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[交流] 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》:遥感与地质灾害主题双语文章推荐


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Application of Aerial Remote Sensing in Geological Hazards: Current Situation and Prospects

【Abstract】Geological disasters affect every continent with a large population, especially in mountainous countries or regions, and its disasters are obviously high, hidden and sudden. Knowing the history and status of disasters in advance through geological surveys is of great significance for the final realization of potential disaster identification and early warning. At present, it is difficult for traditional artificial ground survey methods to discover and identify major geological hazards and hidden dangers in complex mountainous areas such as dense vegetation coverage or high and steep terrain. As a multi-functional comprehensive detection technology, aerial remote sensing can efficiently obtain the development and distribution characteristics of geological hazards and the temporal and spatial evolution laws due to its unique field of view and not being restricted by ground conditions. First, we summarize the types and development trends of aerial remote sensing platforms commonly used in the field of geological disasters, and analyze the advantages of different load sensor information processing technologies and the main problems of geological disasters. Second, the key research achievements of aerial remote sensing technology in five application stages of geological disaster basic terrain mapping, early identification, investigation and evaluation, medium and long-term monitoring, and emergency response are reviewed, and the requirements and advantages and disadvantages of various technical methods at different stages are discussed. The shortcomings of the application of aerial remote sensing technology in the field of geological hazards are summarized, and the future development trends and suggestions are clarified.

Application of Satellite Radar Remote Sensing to Landslide Detection and Monitoring: Challenges and Solutions

【Abstract】Satellite radar observations enable us not only to detect landslides with detailed sliding signals over broad spatial extents but to track landslide dynamics continuously, which has gradually been recognized by the earth observation and landslide communities. However, there are still several challenges in the landslide detection and monitoring with satellite radar observations due to their inherent limitations such as the phase decorrelation caused by heavy vegetation and/or large gradient surface movements, and the geometric distortion introduced by the side-looking orbit. In this paper, from landslide detection and monitoring perspective, the four major challenges of satellite radar technologies are discussed as follows: ① The phase decorrelation caused by heavy vegetation can be weakened by use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery with a long radar wavelength (e.g., S-band or L-band), a short temporal resolution, and/or a high spatial resolution (e.g., 1 m or even higher), and/or advanced interferometric SAR (InSAR) time series. In addition, the phase decorrelation associated with large deformation gradients can be addressed by SAR offset tracking and range split-spectrum interferometry techniques. ② Atmospheric effects represent a big challenge of conventional InSAR for landslide detection and monitoring, especially in mountain areas. The generic atmospheric correction online service (GACOS) which is developed at Newcastle University can be used to reduce atmospheric effects on radar observations and simplify the follow-on time series analysis. ③ The geometric distortions such as shadows and layovers can be pre-analyzed using an external digital elevation model (DEM) for medium-spatial-resolution SAR data; in contrast, for high-resolution SAR data, a machine learning approach can be used to identify water bodies, shadows and layovers without a requirement of a high-spatial-resolution DEM. ④ Residual topographic phase exhibits in areas with high buildings or steep slopes, which could easily lead to phase unwrapping errors. This can be tackled by a baseline linear combination approach. In addition, a framework is proposed to combine satellite radar technologies with other earth observations (e.g., ground-based radar, LiDAR and GNSS) to develop an automated landslide detection and monitoring system. It is expected that this paper will help the earth observation and landslide communities clarify the technical pros and cons of the satellite radar technologies so as to promote them and guide their future development.

Early Identification of Serious Geological Hazards with Integrated Remote Sensing Technologies: Thoughts and Recommendations

【摘要】2017年以来,以四川茂县新磨村高位垮塌、金沙江白格滑坡为代表的重大地质灾害多次发生,呈现出隐蔽性强、突发性高、破坏力大等特点,难以早期发现。值得注意的是,尽管地质灾害防治工作已在全国大范围开展并受到国家层面的高度重视与支持,但绝大部分灾害仍发生于全国现有地质灾害隐患点分布以外的区域。对这些人迹罕至、人不能至且观测条件苛刻的地区的重大隐患进行有效早期识别,是当前地质灾害防治工作尚需解决的难题和重要任务。在总结合成孔径雷达干涉测量(interferometric synthetic aperture radar,InSAR)技术特点与其应用局限的基础上,从光学遥感、InSAR、激光雷达等综合遥感测量的角度提出了以“形态、形变、形势”(三形)为观测内容、以定性识别灾害隐患位置、定量监测灾害体变形幅度、依靠综合遥感动态监测数据提升隐患识别能力的技术思路。对未来工作提出了若干建议与思考,以期服务于重大地质灾害隐患综合判断与早期识别工作。
【Abstract】Since 2017, many serious geological disasters have been reported, including the 2017 mountain collapse at high altitudes in Xinmo Village in Mao County, Sichuan Province, and the 2018 Baige landslide in Jinsha River, China most of which are of great destructive power and hard to detect in advance. It is worth noting that although the geohazard prevention has been carried out extensively across the whole country which is supported by the state, many of these geological disasters occur outside the potential geohazard points estimated in advance. The early identification of these undetectable geohazard points remains a big challenge and a crucial task in current geohazard prevention work. In this paper, the characteristics of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) and its inherited limitations are summarized. Based on the integrated remote sensing technologies (including optical, SAR/InSAR and LiDAR), the key observation concept with “morphology, deformation, situation” (three forms) is proposed. Through the integration of the range of remote sensing technologies, the locations of potential geohazards will be identified qualitatively, and their associated movements will be monitored quantitatively. Finally, a series of thoughts and suggestions are provided to guide our future work for the early detection of serious geological hazards.

Integrated Space-Air-Ground Early Detection, Monitoring and Warning System for Potential Catastrophic Geohazards

【摘要】中国地质灾害点多面广,且大多地处高位并被植被覆盖,传统的人工调查排查在一些地区进行地质灾害隐患识别已显得无能为力,这也是近年来绝大多数灾难性地质灾害事件都不在预案点范围内的主要原因。提出通过构建天-空-地一体化的“三查”体系进行重大地质灾害隐患的早期识别,再通过专业监测,在掌握地质灾害动态发展规律和特征的基础上,进行地质灾害的实时预警预报,以此破解“隐患点在哪里”“什么时候可能发生”这一地质灾害防治领域的难题和国家急切需求。“三查”体系首先通过光学遥感和合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(interferometric synthetic aperture radar,InSAR)实现区域扫面性地质灾害隐患的普查,随后利用机载激光雷达测量技术(light laser detection and ranging, LiDAR)和无人机摄影测量实现高地质灾害风险区段和重大地质灾害隐患的详查,最后采用现场调查、地面与坡体内部监(探)测等手段,实现重大地质灾害隐患的复核确认和排除,即核查。监测预警则是通过InSAR和地面观测手段(如全球导航卫星系统、裂缝计等),在掌握滑坡崩塌的变形规律和阶段以及时间-空间变形特征的基础上,建立分级综合预警体系,并利用地质灾害实时监测预警系统,逐步实现地质灾害监测预警的实用化和业务化运行。
【Abstract】In China, the traditional methodology on an early survey of natural terrain to landslides is challenging as zones most prone to slope failure are usually inaccessible due to high location and dense vegetation. This can lead to the underestimation of potential landslide events to the degree of wrongly identifying unstable areas as stable. This paper provides a solution for these cases by proposing an integrated space-air-ground investigation system that allows for the early detection, real-time prediction, and warning of catastrophic geohazards. Firstly, the high-resolution optical images and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data from satellites are employed to obtain a global panorama of a region, highlighting these problematic locations; yet results are detailed enough to provide reliable estimates of deformations at particular points along time spans of days and weeks. As a consequence, it makes the compilation of long displacement time-histories feasible, contributing to the understanding of long-term landslide-driving phenomena in regions where it has been underestimated. This is called the general investigation. Then, detailed assessments can be done through the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for elaborating high-resolution relief maps and photogrammetric representations based on both the visual images and the light laser detection and ranging (LiDAR) data. The system finally allows for precise tagging of locations that the warrant real-time site monitoring of displacements using global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and crack gauges, validating expecting behavior of these critical, but previously hidden hazardous locations. The overall approach makes it possible to establish a four-level comprehensive early warning system, which meets the urgent needs of the country and promotes a practical and operational application of such a system in the field of geohazard prevention.

Rapid Extraction of Flood Disaster Emergency Information with Multi-modal Sequence Remote Sensing Images

【摘要】遥感对地观测技术具有响应快、观测范围大、表达地表信息客观等特点,是监测洪涝灾害的有效手段之一。洪涝灾害发生时常常伴随云雨天气,灾害前后获取的时间序列数据来源多样,利用多模态多时相遥感影像对洪涝灾害进行一体化监测是大势所趋。然而,不同传感器类型的数据处理平台不同、处理流程不一,多源数据协同处理链路长、智能化水平低导致时效性难以满足应急响应的需求。提出了一种多模态序列遥感影像一体化配准与洪涝灾害自动变化监测方法,利用深度特征和语义信息实现灾前光学影像和灾后合成孔径雷达(synthetic aperture radar,SAR)影像的自动、高精度配准,基于先验基础地理信息和时间序列遥感影像实现洪水变化监测和灾损信息提取。所提方法在2020年7月中国安徽洪涝灾害和2021年7月中国河南洪涝灾害监测中得到了有效验证,能够实现小时级的灾害应急信息提取。
【Abstract】Objectives: Flood disasters are often accompanied by cloud and rain. Time series data obtained before and after the disaster come from various sources, how to integrate multi-modal and multi-temporal remote sensing images to monitoring flood is the general trend. Methods: We propose a flood monitoring method using multi-modal sequence remote sensing image integration registration and automatic change detection. The depth features and semantic information can be used to realize automatic and high-precision registration of optical and SAR (synthetic aperture radar) images before and after disasters. Based on geographic information and multi-time series remote sensing images, we realize flood change monitoring and submergence information extraction. Results: The method has been effectively verified by flood in Anhui, China in July 2020 and in Henan, China in July 2021, and also can achieve faster acquisition of post-disaster damage information. Conclusions: This work solves the problem of emergency flood monitoring in the case of rainy weather, and puts forward several suggestions on the application of remote sensing technology to disaster events in our country.

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