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Mei XU

铜虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 西交利物浦大学产业联培 全奖博士招生(先进金属材料的人工智能设计与制造)

PhD Project Title

AI-based Materials Design and Development of Advanced Metals and Alloys先进金属材料的人工智能设计与制造

奖学金编号:   FOS2211JM01

培养方式:西交利物浦大学 + 长三角先进材料研究院 联合培养


Dr. Chen Xuan (西交利物浦大学); Prof. Yuwen Cui (长三角先进材料研究院); Dr. Charles Loo (西交利物浦大学); Dr. William Christian (英国利物浦大学)。采用产教研深度融合的联合导师机制。

项目课题书和导师介绍:https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/stud ... tion/phd-programmes




•        中国:2022上海软科前100高校或世界一流大学或一流学科建设高校: 加权平均分75及以上;其他学校: 本科或硕士加权均分80 分及以上,视学校而定
•        英国:二级甲等荣誉学位及以上, 或硕士学位成绩良好(Pass with Merit)及以上
•        北美:本科或硕士GPA 3.0及以上(总分4)

雅思6.5分(单项不低于5.5分) 或同等水平托福、PTE成绩。

西浦学术导师 XJTLU principal supervisor
Dr. Chen Xuan. Having been educated/employed at several top universities in three continents, Dr Chen Xuan is an active researcher in the Maths Department at XJTLU. His research field includes constitutive theories of continua under multiphysical fields, stress induced phase transitions in solids, mechanics of smart materials and soft robotics. In recent years he won a few national and provincial research grants and supervised a large number of undergrad and grad students. He serves on review committees of various SCI journals. His work was presented in American Physical Society, International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference, British Liquid Crystal Society, ICTAM etc. He’s also sitting on the university’s Academic board member, Grad studies committee, Applied Maths Master’s program, math modeling competition, as well as being a research liaison person with the University of Liverpool.

集萃产业导师 JITRI co-supervisor
Prof. Yuwen Cui is currently professor and vice director of New Materials Institute at the Nanjing Tech University. He is also the scientific head of AI-based Materials Design Platform at the Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Advanced Materials. He received his Ph.D. degree from Central South University (Changsha, China), and has two decades of research experience from world-famous materials institutions prior to returning to China. His research focuses in the fields of integrated computational materials engineering (ICME), AI-based material design, high throughput characterization of micro-nano mechanical properties, and mesoscale modeling of microstructure.
More details can be found on the webpage:

Dr. Chen Xuan(西交利物浦大学,XJTLU principal supervisor)
Email: chen.xuan@xjtlu.edu.cn

Prof. Yuwen Cui(长三角先进材料研究院,JITRI co-supervisor)
Email: ycui@njtech.edu.cn

•        博士研究课题申请书
•        中、英文完整成绩单
•        中、英文学位证明
•        学信网学历认证/境外学历认证
•        英语语言成绩证明
•        英文个人陈述
•        两封推荐信


点击官网链接,了解更多西交利物浦大学的带奖学金的博士项目:https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/admi ... search-scholarships

地址:江苏省苏州市工业园区独墅湖科教创新区仁爱路111号 西交利物浦大学中心楼1134
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