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[交流] 西交利物浦大学 全奖博士招生(柔性电子、先进传感、生化传感器)

西交利物浦大学 全奖博士招生(柔性电子、先进传感、生化传感器)

xi'an jiaotong-liverpool university full scholarship ph.d. enrollment (flexible electronics, advanced sensors, biochemical sensors)

ph.d. program title: application of intelligent flexible electronic technology and advanced sensor optimization in minimally invasive medical devices

1. 柔性电子技术: 利用柔性电子器件的灵活性和可塑性,开发适用于微创医疗器械的新型电子组件。这些组件可以更好地适应人体生物组织的曲线和形态,从而实现更舒适、更有效的医疗设备。
2. 先进传感技术: 我们利用最新的传感器技术,设计和制造高灵敏度、高精度的传感器,用于实时监测和收集医疗数据。这些传感器能够提供关键的生理和医疗信息,有助于医生进行准确诊断和治疗。
3. 生化传感器优化: 我们专注于生化传感器的优化和创新,以检测和分析生物标志物,例如蛋白质、dna等,从而实现更精准的医疗诊断和个性化治疗。

project introduction:
the project focuses on integrating advanced flexible electronic technology and innovative sensors into minimally invasive medical devices, aiming to drive intelligence and efficiency in the healthcare industry. by combining flexible electronics, advanced sensors, and biochemical sensor technologies, we aim to develop the next generation of minimally invasive medical solutions to enhance the accuracy and convenience of diagnostics, treatment, and monitoring.
our project revolves around three key areas:
1. flexible electronics technology: utilizing the flexibility and adaptability of flexible electronic devices to develop novel electronic components suitable for minimally invasive medical devices. these components can better conform to the curves and forms of human biological tissues, resulting in more comfortable and effective medical devices.
2. advanced sensor technology: leveraging cutting-edge sensor technology to design and manufacture high-sensitivity, high-precision sensors for real-time monitoring and collection of medical data. these sensors provide crucial physiological and medical information, aiding physicians in accurate diagnostics and treatments.
3. optimization of biochemical sensors: focusing on the optimization and innovation of biochemical sensors to detect and analyze biomarkers such as proteins, dna, etc., enabling more precise medical diagnostics and personalized treatments.
through the integration of these critical technologies, our goal is to create smarter and more adaptable minimally invasive medical devices, offering patients a safer and more effective medical experience while providing healthcare professionals with more accurate medical data, thereby promoting innovation and development in the field of healthcare.


location: xi'an jiaotong-liverpool university, suzhou industrial park, jiangsu province, china


doctoral degree conferred by: university of liverpool, united kingdom


supervisors: dr. pengfei song, assistant professor, in collaboration with a supervisor from the university of liverpool (to be confirmed), for joint supervision.


funding support: full tuition fee waiver scholarship (equivalent to a deduction of rmb 80,000 per academic year); provided with a monthly living stipend of rmb 5,000 for up to 3 years.


1. 中国:2021上海软科前100高校或世界一流大学或一流学科建设高校,加权平均分75及以上;其他学校,本科或硕士加权均分80分及以上,视学校而定。
2. 英国:本硕二级甲等荣誉学位及以上。
3. 北美:本科或硕士gpa 3.0及以上(4分制)。
4. 其他地区:具有同等及以上成绩或学位。

admission requirements:
educational background:
1. majors related to biomedical engineering, materials science and engineering, electronics and computer engineering, mechanical engineering, biology, chemistry, and other relevant disciplines.
2. interest in innovation in minimally invasive medical devices, advanced biochemical sensor design, and intelligent microsystem integration.
3. particularly welcome applicants with backgrounds in sensor design, manufacturing, and theoretical modeling related to microelectromechanical systems (mems), microfluidics, electrochemistry, semiconductor electronic devices, flexible materials, or similar fields.

1. china: top 100 universities in the 2021 shanghai ranking or world-class universities participating in first-class discipline construction, with a weighted average score of 75 or above. for other universities, a weighted average score of 80 or above for undergraduate or master's degrees, depending on the institution.
2. united kingdom: first or upper second-class honours for bachelor's or master's degrees.
3. north america: gpa of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale) for undergraduate or master's degrees.
4. other regions: equivalent or higher scores or degrees.


english language proficiency requirement:
overall ielts score of 6.5 with no less than 5.5 in each section or an equivalent toefl score.


university introduction:
university of liverpool (uol) is a renowned research-oriented university in the united kingdom, situated in the city of liverpool in northwest england. established in 1881, it stands as one of the oldest redbrick universities in the uk and is a member of the prestigious russell group, representing a consortium of leading research universities. university of liverpool is highly acclaimed for its teaching and research across various academic disciplines, particularly excelling in medicine, engineering, humanities, and natural sciences.
xi’an jiaotong-liverpool university (xjtlu) is an international university formed through a collaboration between china's xi'an jiaotong university and the uk's university of liverpool, established in 2006. located in the suzhou industrial park in china, it is a pioneer in chinese higher education and is the first independent sino-foreign cooperative university established in china.

宋鹏飞博士是西交利物浦大学机械电子工程及机器人系的助理教授。他的研究兴趣主要集中在微系统领域,包括微流体生物传感器和平台、以及微尺度的自动化和机器人技术。截止2023年12月,宋博士已在49篇sci期刊上发表论文(h指数为14),包括biosensors and bioelectronics, microsystems & nanoengineering, ieee-tase, ieee/asme-mec等。宋博士的研究曾在多个重要微流体和机器人会议上获得奖项或入围。此外,他担任ieee robotics and automation letters的副主编,frontiers in robotics and ai的编委,以及cyborg and bionic systems的青年编委,并担任ieee international conference on manipulation, automation and robotics at small scales (ieee-marss)的委员会成员。他还是许多知名期刊的审稿人,例如engineering, microsystems & nanoengineering及ieee trans等。

supervisor introduction:
pengfei song is an assistant professor in the department of mechatronics and robotics at xi’an jiaotong ╟ liverpool university. his research interests lie primarily in microsystems, which include microfluidic biosensors and platforms and automation and robotics at the microscale. he published 49 sci journals (by dec. of 2023, with an h-index of 14), including biosensors and bioelectronics, microsystems & nanoengineering, ieee-tase, ieee/asme - mec, among others. pengfei’s research has received several awards/finalists from major microfluidic and robotic conferences. he serves as the associate editor of ieee robotics and automation letters, frontiers in robotics and ai, the young editor of cyborg and bionic systems, and the program committee member of the ieee international conference on manipulation, automation and robotics at small scales (ieee-marss). he is also the reviewer for many highly recognized journals, such as engineering, mine, and ieee trans, among others.


application materials:
1.        research proposal
2.        chinese and english academic transcripts (chinese version not mandatory)
3.        chinese and english degree certificates (chinese version not mandatory)
4.        academic credentials verification via china's academic degrees and graduate education information website (or overseas degree verification)
5.        proof of english language proficiency
6.        personal statement
7.        two references

申请信息链接:https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/admi ... apply#opennewwindow

application information link: https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/admi ... apply#opennewwindow

导师个人页面:https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/stud ... /staff/pengfei-song

supervisor personal page: https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/zh/stud ... /staff/pengfei-song



if you are interested in joining us, please email pengfei.song@xjtlu.edu.cn, attaching your english resume and a brief description of your research interests.

please note that we might miss emails due to a high volume of inquiries. this does not mean your application is disregarded. if you're interested in joining our team, apply for our ph.d. program and consider listing me as your potential supervisor. this ensures your application receives full consideration.
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