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[交流] 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学 (University of Alberta) Dr. Ge Li 招收电化学储能方向博士后

We are Materials and Clean Energy research group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta. Dr. Ge Li’s lab focuses on complex material design and synthesis, physicochemical characterization, electrochemical investigation, and energy conversion and storage device construction. Our goals are to solve problems related to electrochemical energy conversion and storage involving both fundamental research and real applications. Go to Research to learn more.
The University of Alberta is one of Canada's leading universities (Top 4), known for world-class research and innovative discoveries. The university offers top quality undergraduate and graduate programs. Located in Edmonton, Alberta, the university offers the best of city lifestyle and a beautiful outdoor environment, with parks and a river valley surrounding the North Campus. Edmonton is a major hub for Alberta's thriving industries and offers excellent job opportunities for students and graduates.

1. 研究方向:

(Nanoarchitectural Design of Advanced Materials for Clean Energy Technologies)

2. 招生要求:

2.1 博士后
2.1.1 基本要求:(1)申请者应具备材料、化学、高分子、电化学或物理等相关专业背景。(2)博士期间从事电化学相关领域科研经历。(3)有较强的英文写作与交流能力。

2.2 博士
2.2.1 基本要求:(1)申请者应具备材料、化学、高分子、电化学或物理等相关专业背景。(2)本科/硕士 GPA 应在80/100及以上。(3)有较强的英文写作与交流能力。英语成绩需要满足学校入学要求。 如:TOEFL iBT: 90分以上 (单科不低于21) 或 IELTS: overall 6.5及以上 (单科不低于6.0)。
https://calendar.ualberta.ca/con ... emic%20Requirements,-Applicants%20for%20admission&text=The%20minimum%20Admission%20Grade%20Point,have%20higher%20minimum%20AGPA%20requirements.

3. 申请办法:
有意向申请的同学,请发送个人简历、成绩单和研究兴趣概述到 ge.li@ualberta.ca

4. google scholar:https://scholar.google.ca/citati ... AAAAJ&hl=en
Research team website:https://www.macelabuofa.com
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