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银虫 (小有名气)

[交流] Postdoc Position of Biosimulations at U. of South Carolina

Postdoc Position of Biosimulations

(Salary is $57K-$60K; duration 2 years; starting from winter of 2023 or early spring of 2024)

One Postdoctoral positions of simulations of biomaterials is available from in the winter of 2023 or spring of 2024 in the Department of Chemical Engineering / Biomedical Engineering at the University of South Carolina. This position is for the project about biological systems (proteins, lipids and nucleotides), interfacial electron transfer/redox using multiscale simulations. The appointment will be two years.

Required qualifications:

1) Expertise in MD simulations (atomistic and coarse-grained), DPD simulations, DMD simulations, QM/MM, AIMD, cellular simulation, or/and kinetic Monte Carlo.

2) Expertise in the simulations of protein docking, protein-ligand binding, nucleotide-protein interaction, or/and interfacial redox and electron transfer.

3) Good programming skills.


Knowledge in one or more of the following areas: (1) experience with the MD simulation software (such as Gromacs, Lampps, NAMD, Amber or CHARMM); (2) experience in the quantum software (QChem, CP2K, Quantum Expresso or VASP); (2) programming skills in Python, C++, C or Fortran; (4) Ability to work effectively with a multidisciplinary team.

The expertise in Machine learning or the development of coarse-grained forcefiled parameters would be a plus.

Interested applicants should first send a CV via email to Dr. Tao Wei's university email (taow@mailbox.sc.edu). In the CV, please detail the manner in which your skills can be applied to the proposed research. The short-listed applicants will be contacted for an online interview. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

The details of Dr. Wei's research project can be found.
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银虫 (小有名气)

招收博士后,研究员和phd各一人。欢迎有biosimulation (QM/MM, AIMD, CGMD, atomistic MD, DPD 或者 machine learning, NNMD)经验的或者有quantum chemistry/physics 的申请。 postdoc 和 research scientist 开始时间flexible
3楼2023-10-12 20:58:50
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