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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 法国斯特拉斯堡大学Paolo Samori 院士招收二维材料与器件电子学方向博后

paolo samori教授,欧洲科学院院士,法国国家技术学院院士,比利时科学与艺术学院院士(kvab),英国皇家化学会会士,美国化学会会员,美国材料研究学会会士,国际先进材料协会会士,法国化学会会士,法国科学院cnrs银奖获得者,iupac青年化学家奖获得者,欧洲石墨烯旗舰委员会委员兼负责人,欧盟labex项目副主任,国际前沿化学研究中心(icfrc)指导委员会成员,巴斯夫咨询委员会委员,英国皇家化学学会(rsc)法国代表,超分子科学与工程研究所(isis)主任,上海交通大学客座教授,天津大学客座教授,吉林大学纳米微结构化学国际联合研究实验室外国主任。h因子87,累计被引2w+,现任ACS nano, Nanoscale, Nanoscale Advance杂志副主编;chem soc rev, adv mater, nanoscale, nanoscale horizons, acs nano, small, chemical communications, journal of materials chemistry, smartmat, chemphyschem, chempluschem等几十余种期刊国际编委。

目前担任50余种期刊的特约审稿人,包括:science, nature, accounts of chemical research, chemical reviews, chemical society reviews, nature materials, nature nanotechnology, nature chemistry, nature electronics, nature communications, pnas, jacs, angew, advanced materials, advanced functional materials, advanced energy materials, energy & environmental science, acs nano, nano letters, nanoscale, acs applied materials & interfaces, langmuir, chemistry of materials, journal of physical chemistry, chemical communications, small, topics in current chemistry, rsc advances, journal of materials chemistry, physical chemistry chemical physics, chemical science, new journal of chemistry, surface science, applied surface science, thin solid films, macromolecular rapid communication, colloids and surfaces b, organic electronics, soft matter, european journal of inorganic chemistry, european journal of organic chemistry, journal of organic chemistry, journal of polymer science part b: polymer physics, carbon, crystengcomm, advanced electronic materials, flexible and printed electronics, 2d materials, current medicinal chemistry, acs energy letters, acs omega, small methods, flatchem, acs applied bio materials, biointerphases, advances in physics, catalysis today...

目前兼任国际多所高校/机构委员会委员(committee member or referee for professorship hiring / promotions),包括:蒙特利尔大学,新加坡国立大学,EPFL,柏林洪堡大学,美因茨马克斯·普朗克聚合物研究所,曼彻斯特大学,剑桥大学,弗里堡大学,康斯坦茨大学等等。课题组长期与basf,nokia,st microelectronics,ape research,scriba nanotecnologie, ASML 等公司保持紧密合作关系,并有多位毕业生工作于上述公司。

目前累计发表sci论文500余篇,封面文章40余篇,其中包括多篇Nat Nanotech, Nat mater, Nat Chem, Nat Commun, Chem Soc Rev, Chem Review, Sci Adv, Adv Mater, JACS, Angew, AFM, ACS nano等等。

研究方向主要有超分子化学,二维材料(石墨烯及tmds)的制备及性质研究,scanning probe microscopies (afm, stm/s, kpfm, c-afm) beyond imaging,超分子纳米材料,表面和界面的超分子化学,纳米结构的物理和化学性质,有机光电,sensor, 共价有机框架网络(cof)以及储能等。个人具体方向面试通过后可与导师协商。

google scholar:Paolo samori




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铁虫 (小有名气)

散岁的微光(金币+1): 谢谢参与
13楼2023-08-13 14:54:41
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银虫 (正式写手)

散岁的微光(金币+1): 谢谢参与

3楼2023-08-09 19:05:57
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木虫 (正式写手)

3楼: originally posted by 蝶影 at 2023-08-09 19:05:57

4楼2023-08-09 19:28:34
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木虫 (正式写手)

Postdoc position in 2D materials advanced electronics
We are looking for outstanding and highly motivated postdoc candidates with a PhD in physics, electrical engineering or materials science, a strong background in 2D materials electrical characterization, and previous experience in device engineering, micro- and nanolithography.
The successful candidate will be integrated in a truly interdisciplinary and international group working on multifunctional materials and devices. Very good level of English (oral and written) is requested. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the contact details of two references.
Contact: samori(at)unistra.fr

Postdoc position in 2D materials inks and chemical functionalization
We are looking for outstanding and highly motivated postdoc candidates with a PhD in chemistry or materials science and a strong background in 2D materials, their production, chemical functionalization and multiscale characterization.
The successful candidate will be integrated in a truly interdisciplinary and international group working on multifunctional materials and devices. Very good level of English (oral and written) is requested. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and the contact details of two references.
Contact: samori@unistra.fr

5楼2023-08-09 23:09:11
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