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[交流] Postdoc position available immediately at USF/Moffitt Cancer Center

Dr. Libin Ye’s lab in the Department of Molecular Biosciences at University of South Florida (USF)--Tampa and NCI-designated Moffitt Cancer Center invite candidates to apply for several postdoctoral positions, funded by NIH and Florida Breast Cancer Foundation. The lab focuses on conformational transition, dynamics, and signal transduction study of membrane proteins especially G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In our previous studies, we were able to delineate and quantify a classic GPCR--A2A adenosine receptor (A2AR) into four conformational states (Ye, et al., Nature, 2016), using 19F quantitative NMR (19F-qNMR) (Ye, et al., J. Biol. NMR, 2015). Conformational transitions and allosteric modulations were also investigated at the dissected quantitative conformational state level (Ye, et al., Nature Communications, 2018). Dr. Ye’s lab is one of very few laboratories focusing on 19F-qNMR methodological innovation and its application in studying the conformation, dynamics, and signaling of membrane proteins. Most recently, in collaboration with Caltech--William Goddard’s group, we were able to exclusively sample intermediate conformational states through the creation of conformation-biased mutants with the guide of 19F-qNMR (Wang et al., Nature Communications, 2023). This advance opens an avenue to study the functions of individual conformational states without cross-interferences from others and the roles of individual states such intermediates in the signaling process. The characterization of individual states will guide us to develop drugs targeting a specific disease-related conformation instead of the global protein (Wang et al., Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2021) through signaling efficacy or bias modulations. USF is a new member of Association of American Universities (AAU) since 2023 and continues its trajectory on rise.  The interested candidates are welcome to submit their applications to Dr. Libin Ye, libinye@usf.edu. For more information, please visit the lab website: www.libinye.com

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2楼2023-08-29 23:11:18
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