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[交流] 美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心招聘生物材料与组织再生方向博后

A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the Xie laboratory within the Department of Surgery and Holland Regenerative Medicine Program at University of Nebraska Medical Center. Studies in our laboratory are focused on the design of nanofiber scaffolds for regenerative medicine. Both small (rodent) and large (swine) animal models of tissue repair in the skin, bone, nerve, muscle, and cartilage are employed. In addition, our laboratory explores the mechanisms of constructive remodeling of tissue-engineered constructs by delineating how host tissue microenvironments interact, populate, and integrate into scaffold environments in vivo. Our group synergizes the expertise of clinicians, bioengineers, and molecular biologists in a dynamic research environment to produce clinically viable biomaterials. Experience with stem cells for regenerative medicine is required. Strong history of publications in the areas of regenerative medicine, biomaterials, drug delivery, and tissue engineering are required. Pathology and/or immunological expertise is a plus. The candidate should be able to work independently as well as with a team of investigators. Excellent communication skills, both oral and written, are essential and an established publication record in biomaterials and tissue engineering is desired. This is an outstanding opportunity for persons interested in ultimately pursuing a medical and/or bioengineering career path. Applicants must have a PhD, and/or MD. The positions are available immediately.

Please send your CV to jingwei.xie@unmc.edu

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