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新虫 (小有名气)

[调剂信息] 调剂|08开头专业211高校华中农业大学生科院欧阳敏课题组


学校: 华中农大
专业: 工学
年级: 2023
招生人数: 2
招生状态: 正在招生中
联系方式: ********* (为保护个人隐私,联系方式仅限APP查看)



职称 教授

学位 博士

邮箱 ouyangmin@mail.hzau.edu.cn

研究方向 叶绿体发育与水稻高光效育种













研究领域主要包括叶绿体基因表达调控以及相分离调控叶绿体发育与生物合成,并取得了突破性的成果。在cell、 nat plants、nat commum、pnas、embo j等刊物上发表论文10余篇。研究工作主要集中在相分离调控叶绿体发育:解析了相分离调控叶绿体蛋白运输机制、揭示了蛋白相分离调控蛋白运输是细胞内的一个普遍机制;(nat commun 2011;pnas, 2015; cell, 2020);阐明了细胞核蛋白酶调控叶绿体基因表达的结构基础;揭示了rna编辑因子ecd1调控叶绿体早期发育机制;(nat plants, 2017; j exp bot, 2018)


1. 湖北省引智创新示范基地(2021ejd025),作物高光效种质筛选学科创新引智基地,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32170254,2022.01-2025.06),分子伴侣通过相分离调控叶绿体内蛋白折叠与运输,58万,在研,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题项目(2017yfa0503701,2017.07╟2022.06),叶绿体蛋白转运因子的结构与功能,80万,已结题,主持

4. 中科院人才项目(2013059, 2018.01╟2020.12),中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员资助项目,180万,已结题,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31471267,2015.01╟2018.12):叶绿体双精氨酸依赖转运途径底物分选调控机制研究,80万,已结题,主持


1. zhang j, bai z, ouyang m, xu x, xiong h, wang q, grimm b, rochaix jd, zhang l* (2021)the dnaj proteins dja6 and dja5 are essential for chloroplast iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis. embo j. 40(13):e106742.

2. xu x, ouyang m, lu d, zheng c, zhang l* (2021). protein sorting within chloroplasts. trends cell biol. 31(1):9-16.

3. ouyang m, li x, zhang j, feng p, pu h, kong l, bai z, rong l, xu x, chi w, wang q, chen f, lu c, shen j, zhang l (2020) liquid-liquid phase transition drives intra-chloroplast cargo sorting. cell 180, 1144╟1159.

4. zou m, mu y, chai x, ouyang m, yu l, zhang l, meurer j, chi w*. (2020) the critical function of the plastid rrna methyltransferase, cmal, in ribosome biogenesis and plant development. nucleic acids research 48, 3195╟3210.

5. jiang j, chai x, manavski n, williams-carrier r, he b, brachmann a, ji d, ouyang m, liu y, barkan a, meurer j, zhang l, chi w*. (2019) an rna chaperone-like protein plays critical roles in chloroplast mrna stability and translation in arabidopsis and maize. the plant cell 31, 1308╟1327.

6. jiang t, zhang j, rong l, feng y, wang q, song q, zhang l, ouyang m* (2018) ecd1 functions as an rna-editing trans-factor of rps14-149 in plastids and is required for early chloroplast development in seedlings. journal of experimental botany 69, 3037╟3051.

7. ouyang m#, li x#, zhao s, pu h, shen j, adam z, clausen t, zhang l*. (2017) the crystal structure of deg9 reveals a novel octameric-type htra protease. nature plants 3, 973╟982.

8. song y, pu h, jiang t, zhang l, ouyang m*. (2016) crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde-2,1-aminomutase from arabidopsis thaliana. acta crystallogr f struct biol commun 72, 448╟456.

9. mao j#, chi w#, ouyang m#; he b, chen f, zhang l* (2015) pab is an assembly chaperone that functions downstream of chaperonin 60 in the assembly of chloroplast atp synthase coupling factor. proceedings of the national academy of sciences usa 112, 4152╟4157.

10. xiao j, li j, ouyang m, yun t, he b, ji d, ma j, chi w, lu c, zhang l*. (2012) dac is involved in the accumulation of the cytochrome b6/f complex in arabidopsis. plant physiology 160, 1911╟1922.

11. ouyang m, li x, ma j, chi w, xiao j, zou m, chen f, lu c, zhang l*. (2011) ltd is a protein required for sorting light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding proteins to the chloroplast srp pathway. nat communications 2, 277.

12. ouyang m, ma j, zou m, guo j, wang l, lu c, zhang l*. (2010) the photosensitive phs1 mutant is impaired in the riboflavin biogenesis pathway. journal of plant physiology 167, 1466╟1476.

13. sun x, ouyang m, guo j, ma j, lu c, adam z, zhang l*. (2010) the thylakoid protease deg1 is involved in photosystem-ii assembly in arabidopsis thaliana. the plant journal 62, 240╟249.

14. wei l, guo j, ouyang m, sun x, ma j, chi w, lu c, zhang l*. (2010) lpa19, a psb27 homolog in arabidopsis thaliana, facilitates d1 protein precursor processing during psii biogenesis. journal of biological chemistry 285, 2 1391╟21398.

15. wang l, ouyang m, li q, zou m, guo j, ma j, lu c, zhang l*. (2010) the arabidopsis chloroplast ribosome recycling factor is essential for embryogenesis and chloroplast biogenesis. plant molecular biology 74, 47╟59.



[ Last edited by 可爱的干饭人 on 2023-4-2 at 00:52 ]
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英语: 77
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