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木虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 图宾根大学ZMBP植物分子研究所Laura Ragni课题组招一名博士生,岗位制博士。



PhD position (f/m/d) in Plant Development focusing on stem cell specificity
We are interested in the molecular mechanisms regulating stem cell proliferation and differentiation in the context of the periderm: the barrier that protects the plant vasculature from the environment during the increase in girth of plant organs.

Our ongoing projects focus on different aspects of periderm formation such as the establishment of the stem cells of cork cambium, the differences, and commonality among stem cells of cambia and how the environment modulates cambial activity. The Arabidopsis root is our current model system, and we employ advanced genetic, genomic, and imaging approaches (life confocal imaging, quantitative histology, single cell sequencing etc.).

For more info on the research topic: see Wunderling et al. 2018, Xiao et al. 2020, Andersen et al. 2021, Camphilo et al 2021, Serra et al. 2022 and Ragni Group Website.

What we are looking for:
• A curious, highly motivated person that loves doing science
• Expert in plant molecular biology (M. Sc. in plant biology, biochemistry or similar)
• Team player, goal oriented, independent thinker
• Very good oral and written English
• Prior experience in confocal microscopy, image analysis or NGS data analysis is a plus

What we are offering:
• A 3-year DFG funded PhD position
• International, vibrant, friendly working environment (> 18 plant science groups)
• State of art research infrastructure
• Additional training and soft skill/personal development via the ZMBP graduate school.

The application deadline is the 31st of October 2022

Please send your application as a single PDF (motivation letter, CV and contact details of three referees) directly to Dr. Laura Ragni (laura.ragni@zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de)

The University of Tübingen is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from qualified women and individuals with disabilities. Formal employment procedures will be carried out by the central administration of the University of Tübingen. Salary and benefits are according to TV-L E13 in agreement with the guidelines of the University of Tübingen and the DFG.
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