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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 香港城市大学朱光宇课题组诚招博士生及博士后

Prof. Guangyu Zhu of the Department of Chemistry at the City University of Hong Kong, ranked top 50 in the QS World University Rankings, is offering PhD studentships, Postdoc, and Research Assistant positions, available immediately. Research in the Zhu Lab lies at the interface of chemistry and biology in the areas of anticancer drug discovery and development, drug delivery, and chemical biology.

Qualifications: PhD applicants should have 1) a Bachelor’s degree from a top university with GPA higher than 80/100; a Master’s degree is preferred; 2) an acceptable grade on English test (TOEFL, or CET-6, or IELTS); 3) a strong research background and publication record in organic/inorganic synthesis or in vivo evaluation of anticancer complexes using animal models; 4) the ability to work both independently and as part of a team, and a good command of English, both oral and written.

Interested applicants should send 1) CV including a publication list and grade on English test; 2) transcripts; 3) a summary of past research experience to guangzhu@cityu.edu.hk. More information about the group and the department can be found at http://www.zhulab.com.
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