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[交流] 【土木工程全奖博士招生】Washington State University

Washington State University招收1-2名土木工程博士生。研究方向是机器学习,风工程和结构韧性。

有意者请联系Dr.Haifeng Wang: haifeng.wang@wsu.edu

Please send (i) your current CV (please highlight your GPA for all degrees) and (ii) a cover letter describing your motivation for this application, potential research areas for your thesis, and how your experience and interests make you a great fit for this position. Please use "Application for Ph.D. Research" as the email subject.

Dr. Haifeng Wang是华盛顿州立大学土木与环境系的一名助理教授。他曾是理海大学的博士后研究助理,由Boccini 博士(Lehigh University)和 Padgett 博士(Rice University)指导。Dr. Wang在中国南京的东南大学获得土木工程学士和硕士学位,在University at Buffalo获得了土木结构工程博士学位。

Dr. Wang Profile: hfwang.dev
Google scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RCFLYL0AAAAJ&hl=en

The Wang Smart and Resilient Structure Research Group at Washington State University invites application from highly motivated students for graduated research in the broad area of sensing and machine learning applications in structural engineering, wind engineering and resilience assessment. Research will be highly interdisciplinary at the intersection of civil engineering and other fields. Specifically, research topics will include four main areas: (i) Machine learning-assisted catastrophe modeling; (ii) Computer vision-based structural condition assessment; (iii) drone-based data acquisition and analysis; and (iv) bluff-body aerodynamics and structural wind resilience.

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