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[交流] 博士后/访学-招聘美国罗格斯大学( Rutgers University)-免疫/神经免疫方向

博士后/访学人员招聘美国罗格斯大学( Rutgers University)-Qi Yang’s laboratory-免疫/神经免疫方向
Dr. Qi Yang主要从事固有免疫/神经免疫方向研究,实验室课题经费充足,如有需要请email联系。Dr. Yang (qy117@rwjms.rutgers.edu).

A postdoc position in neuro-immunology is available at Dr. Qi Yang’s laboratory at Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey.

This postdoctoral project focuses on exploring function and regulation of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and innate-like T cells in the brain and associated brain barrier tissue. Unlike circulating blood-born immune cells, a variety of immune cells reside in non-lymphoid tissue such as various vital organs. These tissue-resident immune cells are capable of constitutively secreting various effector molecules, thus altering the surrounding microenvironment and influencing tissue homeostasis and organ function. Development and function of tissue-resident immune cells, however, remain largely mysterious. The newly discovered innate lymphoid cell (ILC) family are comprised of several major subsets that are enriched in non-lymphoid vital organs. Dr. Yang was among the first to discover and to characterize the ILC family in 2010; during which period Dr. Yang’s first-author papers on ILC biology were published in Nature Immunology, Immunity and other cutting-edge journals (Immunity, 2013, 38: 694, Nat Immunol. 2015, 16:1044). Dr. Yang established her own laboratory a few years ago, and since then The Yang Laboratory has performed pioneer research in understanding the ILCs in the brain. Her laboratory discovered the presence of ILCs and innate-like T cells in the brain barriers, revealed the roles of innate and innate-like lymphocytes in affecting learning and memory, and explored how dysregulation of these cells contributes to the pathogenesis of dementia. A cutting-edge paper on this topic was published in Journal of Experimental Medicine in 2020 (J Exp Med, 2020, 217: e20190915.), and another primary manuscript is recently accepted by Nature Immunology (Nat Immunol, 2022, Accepted). The Yang laboratory sincerely invite postdoc candidates interested in neuro-immunology to explore this exciting field. Prior knowledge or experience in immunology and/or animal research will be advantageous, but is not absolutely required.

Dr. Yang is committed to the career success of the postdoc fellow. For postdocs interested in an academic career, extensive support and mentoring including training for grant writing and academic networking will be provided. The postdoctoral fellow is welcome to take any ideas and reagents, developed during the postdoc training period, to establish his/her own lab. For postdocs interested in an industrial career, there are abundant job opportunities in the world-leading pharmaceutical companies located near the Rutgers campus in central New Jersey. Interested candidates please directly email to Dr. Yang (qy117@rwjms.rutgers.edu).  Temporary Yang lab Website: Qi Yang, M.D., Ph.D. | Institute for Translational Medicine and Science | Rutgers University

Selected References:
a.Zhang Y, Bailey JT, Xu E,  Singh K, Lavaert M, Link VM,  D’Souza S, Hafiz A,  Cao J, Cao G, Sant'Angelo DB, Sun W, Belkaid Y,  Bhandoola A, McGavern DB, Yang Q.,* Mucosal associated invariant T cells restrict reactive oxidative damage and preserve meningeal barrier integrity and cognitive function. Nature Immunology. 2022 Accepted.
b.Fung ITH, Sankar P, Zhang Y, Robison L, Zhao X, D'Souza SS, Salinero AE, Wang Y, Qian J, Kuentzel ML, Chittur SV, Temple S, Zuloaga KL, Yang Q. Activation of group 2 innate lymphoid cells alleviates aging-associated cognitive decline. Journal of Experimental Medicine.  217(4):e20190915; 2020.
c.Fung ITH, Zhang Y, Shin DS, Sankar P, Sun X, D’Souza SS, Song R, Kuentzel ML, Chittur SV, Zuloaga KL, and Yang Q. Group 2 innate lymphoid cells are numerically and functionally deficient in the triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroinflammation. 18(1):152; 2021. 
d.Zhang Y, Fung ITH, Sankar P, Chen X, Robison LS, Ye L, D’Souza SS, Salinero AE, Kuentzel ML, Chittur SV, Zhang W, Zuloaga KL, and Yang Q. Depletion of NK Cells Improves Cognitive Function in the Alzheimer Disease Mouse Model.  Journal of Immunology.  205(2):502-510; 2020. 
e. Yang, Q., F. Li, C. Harly, S. Xing, L. Ye, X. Xia, H. Wang, X. Wang, S. Yun, X. Zhou, M. Cam, H. Xue, A. Bhandoola. TCF-1 upregulation identifies early innate lymphoid progenitors in the bone marrow. Nature Immunology. 16:1044-1050, 2015.
c.  Yang, Q., L. A. Monticelli, S. A. Saenz, A. W. Chi, G. F. Sonnenberg, J. Tang, M. E. Obaldia, W. Bailis, J. Bryson, K. Toscano, J. Huang, A. Haczku, W. S. Pear, D. Artis, and A. Bhandoola. T Cell Factor 1 is required for group 2 innate lymphoid cell generation. Immunity, 2013.
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