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[交流] PRL physical review letters 投稿求助


一个审稿人说: in its current form this manuscript is clearly
not appropriate for prl.
另一个说:the work is interesting and the manuscript is well-written. however, i
am not convinced that the work is of a significant impact.   I
recommend to submit the manuscript to a more specialized journal.
this manuscript has been reviewed by our referees. a critique from the
reports appears below. based on this we judge that the work probably
warrants publication in some form, but does not meet the physical
review letters criteria of impact, innovation, and interest.

the paper, with revision as appropriate, might be suitable for
publication in one of the topical physical review journals or physical
review research. the editors of that journal will make the decision on
publication, and may seek further review. however, our complete file
is available.

in choosing the journal, please be aware that physical review research
is a fully open access publication and, thus, article publication
charges would apply.

if you transfer this manuscript, be sure to include the usual response
to all referee comments and a summary of revisions made.

[ Last edited by llyzxmc on 2022-9-13 at 15:15 ]

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