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[交流] 荷兰马斯特里赫特大学Frits Prinzen教授招收国家留学基金委(CSC)博士生

Frits Prinzen教授长期专注于心脏病诊断和治疗方面的研究,特别是关于心脏电-机械方面的基础和临床研究。课题组已经产出了大量具有高度创新性和临床转化的研究成果。相关成果发表于European Heart Journal、JACC、Circulation、Nature Reviews Cardiology等顶尖心血管期刊。课题组长期与工业界保持紧密合作,包括全球著名医疗器械生产公司美敦力等。Prinzen教授领导或参与了超过25项科研项目,涵盖心脏生理学、临床心脏病学和计算机心脏建模等方面。已发表超过270篇论文,并申请了十余项专利。根据谷歌学术统计,Prinzen教授目前引用率为19145,H指数为75。ResearchGate主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Frits-Prinzen。
罗鸿幸博士,玛丽·居里学者,现为荷兰马斯特里赫特大学心血管研究所博士后,参与欧盟“地平线2020”计划和玛丽居里创新训练网络研究项目。曾在伦敦国王学院、奥斯陆大学医院等机构交流学习。研究方向包括:1)利用多种心脏信号(包括心电、心音等)来辅助心血管疾病的诊断和治疗;2)心力衰竭的诊断和治疗;3)移动医疗和可穿戴设备。发表论文二十余篇,包括心脏方面顶级期刊《欧洲心脏杂志》等。担任European Heart Journal – Digital Health、ESC Heart Failure、JMIR系列等期刊审稿人。ResearchGate主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hongxing-Luo。

马斯特里赫特大学成立于1976年,是荷兰第二年轻的大学。它是荷兰13所国立研究型大学之一,为世界大学联盟成员。2016年,泰晤士报全球大学排行榜中位列88位。在最近50年成立的大学中,全球排行第4位,欧洲第一。马大的医学相关专业实力强劲,一直位列世界前100名。在2020年QS世界大学学科排名中:医学 -- 第60位,解剖与生理学 -- 第62位,神经科学 -- 第63位。

Heart Sounds for Heart Failure Monitoring Enabled by Digital Health

Limitations in health care systems urge to increase out-of-hospital monitoring of patients. In the aging population, heart failure (HF) is a growing problem. Several kinds of HF are recognized, such as systolic, diastolic and dyssynchronous HF. Previous works from our group showed that innovative analysis of heart sounds can provide useful markers of HF, such as amplitude and frequency contents of heart sounds and heart sound splitting. We were able to derive such variables using simple digital stethoscopes and even smartphones, thus opening the possibility to use those simple apparatus for monitoring patients at home.

Study objectives:
1) To characterize heart sound features related to the various forms of HF in patients; and
2) to develop algorithms including machine learning, mobile Apps and (optionally) hardware for improving monitoring of HF.

Main activities:
Based on our ongoing works, the candidate may play a crucial role in developing novel algorithms such as machine learning for out-of-hospital monitoring of heart failure. The candidate may start with analyzing existing data (experimental and clinical, and unpublished) as well as a large-scale dataset from our digital health study in collaboration with King’s College London, containing over 10 000 heart sounds. Further, the candidate will be involved in new clinical studies investigating the potentials to monitor the various forms of HF.

Expected Results:
The study will pave the way for large-scale applications of heart sounds for remote HF monitoring. Expected results include novel algorithms for early identification of HF progression, novel tools (e.g., mobile App and hardware) for large-scale home monitoring of heart failure patients, and novel datasets for exploiting machine learning algorithms. High-impact publications may result from the study.

Heart failure; heart sounds; digital health; remote monitoring; signal analysis; machine learning; mobile App.

Top 5 related publications:
1.        Electrical management of heart failure: from pathophysiology to treatment. Prinzen FW, Auricchio A, Mullens W, Linde C, Huizar JF. Eur Heart J. 2022 May 21;43(20):1917-1927. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehac088. (IF = 36)
2.        The year in cardiovascular medicine 2020: arrhythmias. Crijns HJGM, Prinzen F, Lambiase PD, Sanders P, Brugada J. Eur Heart J. 2021 Feb 1;42(5):499-507. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa1091. (IF = 36)
3.        Short-Term Hemodynamic and Electrophysiological Effects of Cardiac Resynchronization by Left Ventricular Septal Pacing. Salden FCWM, Luermans JGLM, Westra SW, Weijs B, Engels EB, Heckman LIB, Lamerichs LJM, Janssen MHG, Clerx KJH, Cornelussen R, Ghosh S, Prinzen FW, Vernooy K. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 Feb 4;75(4):347-359. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2019.11.040. (IF = 27,指导博士生)
4.        Surveillance of COVID-19 in the General Population Using an Online Questionnaire: Report From 18,161 Respondents in China. Luo H, Lie Y, Prinzen FW. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2020 Apr 27;6(2):e18576. doi: 10.2196/18576. (IF = 15,指导博士生)
5.        Smartphone as an electronic stethoscope: Factors influencing heart sound quality. Luo H, Lamata P, Bazin S, Bautista T, Barclay N,  Shahmohammadi M, Lubrecht JM, Delhaas T, Prinzen FW. Eur Heart J – Digital Health. 2022. (In press,指导博士生)


1. 工资:1350欧/月(根据相关内部消息,该标准很可能会提高,以留学基金委最新通知为准。)
2. 住房:学校提供前12个月住房(约400欧/月)。


2. 托福90分以上,雅思6.5分以上(单项不低于6.0分)。
3. 以第一作者发表英文论文(Article)1篇以上。如无已发表论文,请在动机信中详细陈述原因(如:论文在审、校企合作保密项目等)。
4. 以下为加分项:1)临床研究经历;2)掌握至少一门编程语言(Matlab,Python,Java,C ......);3)有信号处理相关经验或知识;4)有机器学习相关经验或知识;5)可穿戴设备或移动App开发经验或知识。

1.        动机信(英文500字以内):主要陈述自己为何对该研究感兴趣,以及自己过往经历/经验如何有助于当前研究的开展。
2.        个人简历,风格自定(英文)。
3.        相关英语成绩单扫描件(托福、雅思、四六级、CATTI等)。
4.        本科和硕士成绩单(中、英文,初筛材料可以自行翻译,无需公证)。
5.        请发送已发表论文的全文,如有专利和其它相关学术材料,请一并发送。
6.        如为往届毕业生,请发送毕业证、学位证(初筛无需公证)。
7.        其它未提及材料(比如:专家推荐信)只在邀请面试时提交,初筛无需提供。

以上材料请发送到hi.hongxing@gmail.com。邮件主题注明:“CSC PhD application 2023 - 姓名 – 硕士毕业学校”。
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