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[交流] 请投稿分布式权威系统会议OPODIS 2022


欢迎大家投稿分布式权威系统会议OPODIS 2022

会议地址: https://sites.uclouvain.be/OPODIS2022/

OPODIS is an open forum for the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge on distributed computing and distributed computer systems. OPODIS aims at having a balanced program that combines theory and practice of distributed systems. OPODIS solicits papers in all aspects of distributed systems, including theory, specification, design, system building, and performance.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Distributed systems, theory and practice: fault tolerance and consistency, impossibility results in distributed computing
Blockchain, theory and practice
Cloud and data centers: Cloud, grid, edge computing, IoT, data centers
Communication and mobile networks
Parallelism, concurrency, and multicore systems
Shared and transactional memory, memory management
Dependable systems, system security
Distributed graph algorithms
Middleware and Operating systems
File and storage systems: distributed storage, file systems and database systems
Distributed ML: distributed recommender systems, systems for machine learning
Distributed data analytics: big data analytics frameworks, data-intensive computing
Mobile agents and robots
Self-stabilizing, self-organizing and autonomous systems
Game-theory in distributed computing
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