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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 美国University of Missouri Dr. Wan 课题组招聘发酵工程或工业微生物学专业博后1名

a postdoctoral position is available in the wan research groupat the department of biomedical, biological, and chemical engineering in university of missouri. research projects are focused on bioprocessing and biochemicalengineering for converting renewable materials into value-added bioproducts (e.g., biodegradable polymers, specialtychemicals). this position requires a ph.d. degree in biological engineering, biochemical engineering, fermentation engineering, industrial microbiology, or related fields. research experience in molecular biology or metabolic engineering is a plus. the successful candidate should be highly motivated and integrate well within a diverse team. the position offers competitive salary and is eligible for university benefits. columbia, mo., is known as an ideal college town and home to nationally renowned public schools and other colleges and educational centers.applications to be reviewed beginning 6/20/2022 and will continue until the position is filled. anticipate a start date no later than 9/1/2022.if you are interested in this position, do not hesitate to contact dr. ellen wan (wanca@missouri.edu).the application materials include cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of three references.

ps: 也欢迎相关专业访问学者,可以加我微信(redstonecui)先初步交流了解。

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3楼2022-07-08 09:14:45
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2022-07-08 09:37   回复  
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2022-07-08 16:01   回复  
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2022-07-08 22:13   回复  
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2022-07-13 17:57   回复  
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2022-07-14 14:08   回复  
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