24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 维也纳大学Jia Min Chin教授招生 (jiamin.chin@univie.ac.at)

维也纳大学Jia Min Chin教授近期拟招收博士生,如果有意愿,可以将motivation letter 和 CV 发送到导师邮箱(jiamin.chin@univie.ac.at)。具体的职位介绍可以见下文。文档后面也附加英文原版,感兴趣可以查略。教授人挺nice的,MIT的博士回来的,也很乐意指导学生。然后课题组介绍可以从课题组网站查看,课题组网站可以点击这个链接查看:https://bioinspiredmateria.wixsite.com/group/about-us.

无机化学系功能材料组主要研究胶体和MOF材料的组装。该职位主要研究基于MOF材料的固态电解质的结构及其表征,与SME, Creonia Cells合作。成功的候选人应在撰写博士论文的同时完成该项目。该职位为期3年,一开始的合同期限为1.5年,之后会延长至3年,除非雇主在12个月后提交不延期通知。研究工作将在维也纳大学(维也纳,奥地利)和Creonia Cells(恩斯,上奥地利)进行。
根据集体谈判协议进行工作分级:§48 VwGr。具有相关的工作经验,并能决定分配给特定的工资等级。
候选人将参加M-ERA网络联盟项目“BATMAN -基于金属有机框架的新型锂离子电池固体电解质分离器的开发”,为期三年。该项目将与奥地利科学院、克瑞尼亚细胞有限公司以及国际合作伙伴大分子化学研究所(捷克共和国)和国立台湾大学(台湾)共同开展。
在无机化学-功能材料系和Creonia Cells GmbH完成金属有机骨架领域的研究项目。更确切地说,你会的
1. 动机信和你的简历表明你的教育路径,包括时间和学位,说明你的技术熟练程度,过去/正在进行的项目,以及你的出版物/成就清单
2. 本科和硕士学位证书的德语副本或经过认证的英语翻译件。您的证书的自翻译成绩单将不被认可(包括信用成绩单!)
3. 三位主管的联系方式,可以联系,并愿意提供推荐信。
应于2022年4月30日前提交给Jia Min Chin教授(jiamin.chin@univie.ac.at)和Markus Ungerank博士(markus.ungerank@creonia.at)。该职位将一直空缺到有人填补为止。

Scientific Staff (prae doc)
at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry - functional materials

The Chin research group at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry - Functional Materials focuses on colloidal and MOF materials assembly. This prae-doc position focuses on the structuring of solid state electrolytes based on MOF materials, and their characterization, in collaboration with the SME, Creonia Cells. The successful candidate should carry out the project together with the preparation of a doctoral thesis. The position is for 3 years, starting with a contract duration of 1,5 years which will be extended to a duration of 3 years, unless the employer submits a non-extension notification after 12 months. The research work will take place at the University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria) and at Creonia Cells (Enns, Upper Austria).

Duration of employment: 3 years
Extent of Employment: 30 hours/week
Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.

Job Description:
The candidate will take part in an M-ERA net consortium project "BATMAN - Development of novel Li ion BATtery solid electrolyte separators based on Metal orgANic frameworks" for three years. This will be carried out together with the national partners the Austrian Academy of Sciences  and Creonia Cells GmbH, as well the international partners, the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (Czech Republic) and the National Taiwan University (Taiwan).
Participation in research, teaching and administration:
Accomplishment of research projects in the area of Metal Organic Frameworks at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry – Functional Materials and at Creonia Cells GmbH. More specifically, you will
•        fabricate MOF composites and characterize their ionic conductivity
•        modify high performance polymers and forming MOF/polymer blends for solid state electrolytes
•        fabricate battery cells comprising of MOF-based solid state electrolytes and fully characterize them
•        help to develop a market ready roll to roll process for the manufacturing of solid state Lithium Ion separators
•        Participate in publications / academic articles / presentations
•        Be involved in supervision of students, department and research administration and contribute the smooth running of the research group.
•        Be involved in the department and research administration

A Masters degree in chemistry or materials science, with a minimum of a second upper class grade, experience in synthesis and characterization of inorganic materials, interest in research, willingness and ability to work in a team.
Experience in the MOF synthesis and/or battery materials characterization is an advantage. Evidence of research publications is a plus.
You are expected to be fluent in English. Fluency in German is also an advantage.

Research fields:
Main research field: Chemistry
Special research fields: Materials chemistry
Importance: must

Educational institution: University
Educational level: Masters (average grade of 2 or better in the Austrian grading system, or GPA of 3.5/4 and above).
Special subject: Inorganic or materials chemistry
Importance: should

Application documents:
A letter of motivation and your CV, ) indicating your educational path including timeline and academic degrees, addressing your technical proficiency, past/ongoing projects you were scientifically involved in along with your publication/achievement list
Copies of Bachelor and Master degree certificates in German or in certified English translation in addition to their original language. Self-translated transcripts of your certificates will not be recognized (including CREDIT TRANSCRIPTS!).
Contact information of three supervisors, who can be contacted and are willing to provide recommendation letters upon request.
should be submitted to Professor Jia Min Chin (jiamin.chin@univie.ac.at) and Dr. Markus Ungerank (markus.ungerank@creonia.at) latest by 30 April 2022. The position will remain open until filled.

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