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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 香港科技大学王哲课题组招大气化学/环境化学方向博士后1-2名


Postdoc Positions in Atmospheric Chemistry, Zhe Wang’s group at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

The Zhe Wang group (http://envrwangz.people.ust.hk/) at HKUST is seeking 1-2 postdocs for studies in Atmospheric Chemistry. The research projects include laboratory and field studies on reactive nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), oxygenated VOCs (OVOCs), and their photochemical and heterogenous processes and contributions to the formation of O3 and SOA. The postdocs will lead and participate in one or two of the topics within the above projects. More details on research projects can be found on the website: http://envrwangz.people.ust.hk/.  

•        A PhD degree in Environmental Science or related disciplines, specializing in Atmospheric Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Physical or Analytical Chemistry.
•        Research experience in Atmospheric Chemistry with field observation and/or laboratory simulations.
•        Preferably with experience in online and offline mass spectrometric analysis of atmospheric pollutants, e.g., PTR-MS, CIMS, LC-MS, etc.
•        Demonstrated research records with publications, preferably with hands-on experience.
•        Data analysis skills, good teamwork spirits, and good communication skills including written and spoken English.
•        Hardworking, and ability to conduct research independently.

Application and Compensation
•        2 to 3 years with at least 300k HKD per year, plus medical, MPF and other benefits.
•        Outstanding applicants will be selected for RGC Postdoc Fellowship (400k HKD per year, for 3 years)
•        Distinguished Postdoc fellows will have a high chance of being promoted to Research Assistant Professor position at HKUST.

Email: ustatmos@gmail.com



•        在大气化学、大气环境、环境化学、环境科学、分析化学等相关领域取得博士学位;
•        有大气环境化学方向科研经历,熟悉野外观测和实验室模拟;
•        具有良好英文学术论文阅读写作能力,发表过相关高水平论文。
•        具有CIMS、PTR等质谱研究经验、烟雾箱或流量管实验经验、LC-MS等化学分析经验、或大气化学模式研究经验等优先考虑。
•        博士后年薪30w港币/起,以及医疗保险等福利。
•        优秀申请者将推荐申请RGC Postdoc Fellowship (年薪40w), 博后期间表现优异者将有优先机会获得香港科大研究助理教授职位。

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