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【悬赏金币】回答本帖问题,作者长海二声笑将赠送您 100 个金币


银虫 (正式写手)

[求助] OPEN ACCESS需要回复吗?我不想缴纳版面费,请前辈们指导一下。已有3人参与

各位前辈们,我的一篇SCI被录用,编辑发过来一封邮件,询问OPEN ACCESS的。
这个邮件我需要回复吗?怎么回复? 我是不打算缴纳版面费的。
Dear Dr Wu,

I am pleased to inform you that your work has now been accepted for publication in Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques. All manuscript materials will be forwarded immediately to the production staff for placement in an upcoming issue.


** Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques has recently transitioned to a new Open Access payment platform. If your manuscript was submitted prior to March 8, 2021, please contact the Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques Editorial Office. If your manuscript was submitted after March 8, 2021, please disregard this message. **

If you indicated in the revision stage that you would like your submission, if accepted, to be made open access, please go directly to step 2. If you have not yet indicated that you would like your accepted article to be open access, please follow the steps below to complete the process:
1. Notify the journal office via email that you would like this article to be available open access. Please send your Email to patrick.wall@wolterskluwer.com. Please include your article title and manuscript number.
2. A License to Publish (LTP) form must be completed for your submission to be made available open access. Please download the form from http://links.lww.com/LWW-ES/A49, sign it, and Email the completed form to the journal office.
3. You will be receiving an Open Access Publication Charge letter from the Journal’s Publisher, Wolters Kluwer, with instructions on how to submit any open access charges. The email will be from publicationservices@copyright.com with the subject line ‘Please Submit Your Open Access Article Publication Charge(s)’. Please complete payment of the Open Access charges within 48 hours of receipt.

Thank you for submitting your interesting and important work to the journal.
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

No gains, no pains.



感谢参与,应助指数 +1
March 8, 2021之前投稿的,可以选择开源或者不开源。如果不想开源,就不用理会这封邮件。
March 8, 2021之后投稿的,全部开源。
6楼2022-03-26 16:55:42
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