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[交流] IOC hails Beijing 2022 Olympics as most gender-balanced Winter Games ever

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has declared the Beijing 2022 Winter Games to be "the most gender-balanced" Winter Games in history.

The Beijing Winter Olympics has "women accounting for a record 45 percent of the athletes," reported Cuba-based news agency Prensa Latina, citing data released by the IOC.

According to IOC Sports Director Kit McConnell, of the 2,902 athletes competing at the games, 1,325 are women, presenting an unprecedented ratio at a Winter Games, said the agency.

During the Pyeongchang 2018 Games in South Korea, for example, women represented 41 percent of the athletes, and the organizers of Beijing 2022 sought to do even better in promoting their participation, McConnell was quoted as saying.
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