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[交流] Computational Biology positions in Single-Cell Computational Biology at USA


招聘职位:美国科罗拉多大学医学院和人工智能健康中心 (The University of Colorado Department of Medicine and the Center for Health Artificial Intelligence)张帆博士课题组https://fanzhanglab.org/,主要从事开发机器学习和深度学习等统计方法和单细胞多组学来研究炎症性以及免疫介导疾病。拟招收访问学者,以及博士后, 生物信息分析师,联合培养博士生若干。

导师简介:张帆博士,2009年本科毕业于吉林大学计算机学院师从梁艳春教授。2016年获美国伍斯特理工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute)生物医学工程计算生物学博士学位师从Dr. Patrick Flaherty教授 。2017-2021年,张帆博士在哈佛大学医学院(Harvard Medical School),布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women’s Hospital),和麻省剑桥博德研究所(Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)从事博士后研究师从Dr. Soumya Raychaudhuri教授。期间,张帆博士带领了系统生物学结合单细胞转录组和蛋白组学的工作,首次提出自身免疫性类风湿性关节炎的单细胞人体组织图谱,对研究炎症致病机理起到重要意义。以第一作者在Nature Immunology, Genome Medicine, BMC Bioinformatics等期刊发表多篇论文, 以共同作者在Nature, Nature Method, New England Journal of Medicine,  Science Translational Medicine, Bioinformatics等发表多篇论文。为Nature, Nature Medicine, PNAS, Nature Communications, Bioinformatics等独立审稿人。

岗位要求: The candidate’s work focuses on analyzing newly generated large-scale single-cell mass cytometry (~20 millions single cells) and single-cell RNA-seq datasets from hundreds of human patients with at-risk and established rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and SLE by developing advanced machine learning tools. The candidate will also collaborate with researchers in the NIH funded AMP (Accelerating Medicines Partnership) RA/SLE consortium. Specifically,
•        A strong background in statistical machine learning and sequencing data analysis
•        Programming in R/Python in implementing machine learning methods
•        Familiar with single-cell RNA-seq or other single-cell omics data analytical pipeline
•        A track record of scientific productivity and paper publication
•        Ideal candidates in the following areas will be given priority: Single cell transcriptomic and spatial transcriptomic, CyTOF data analysis, statistical method development

申请方式:  Send application to Dr. Fan Zhang fanzhanglab@gmail.com. Title: “Application-Zhang Lab-Your Name”. Combining into one PDF file:
•        Cover letter which addresses job requirements and research interests
•        CV
•        3 references with name, email, and phone number
•        Links to 1-2 your best papers if applicable
•        Links to 1-2 your code repositories if applicable

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