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木虫 (正式写手)


[交流] Why are some very smart people so quiet?

Why are some very smart people so quiet?

Very smart people realize very soon in life that most people are not interested in truth, facts or correct thinking.

It becomes tiresome to keep repeatedly offering corrections to people who will deny obvious truths, no matter how well articulated because their unconscious biases erode their ability to think clearly.

Very smart people have to sit by and watch while lunatics take hold of the most powerful and influential nation in the world and make a complete arse of it, violating the science programs and allowing insane religious dogma to be taught in school in place of science.

It’s no wonder very smart people are so quiet. They know that the average person would rather be told what they want to hear than the truth, and that their views can easily be manipulated by appealing to childish drives.
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