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银虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 延期到9-15-[CCF-C, EI, 海口] HPCC 2021 Workshop 征稿 - 分布式智能、无人系统

投稿时请选择session 2 Distributed Intelligence for Future High Performance Unmanned Mobile Systems

欢迎各位老师和同学不吝赐稿至ccf推荐会议23rd ieee hpcc 举办的special session: distributed intelligence for future high performance unmanned mobile systems截稿日期2021-9-15,录用稿件与主会同收录,投稿方式请见官网说明http://www.ieee-hpcc.org/2021/
投稿时通过 https://www.edas.info/newpaper.php?c=28862 选择该 special session 5 即可。12月相聚美丽海口,感受温暖冬天。

please submit your papers at
choose Special Session 2: Distributed Intelligence for Future High Performance Unmanned Mobile Systems

each paper is limited to 6 pages (or 7 pages with overlength charge) including figures and references using ieee computer society proceedings manuscripts style (https://www.ieee.org/conferences ... ng/templates.html).

the papers will be required to meet the same standards as the main conference papers and will be published in the conference proceedings, available on ieee xplore, once accepted (indexed by ei). at least one of the authors of any accepted paper is requested to register the paper at the conference.


due to the explosive development of unmanned system components, such as autonomous cars, unmanned aerial vehicles, and edge devices, designing future mobile and communication systems becomes much more challenging in terms of independent control and decision making, efficient autonomous system operations, distributed system architectures, mobility issues, etc.

recently, machine learning (ml) and artificial intelligence (ai) enabled distributed intelligence has become a promising approach to address the aforementioned intelligent control challenges in the premise of large-scale decentralized unmanned and mobile systems. moreover, distributed intelligence approaches exploit the computational capabilities of edge components (e.g., uavs and edge devices) in such networks. unmanageable network optimization and underutilized computational power of system components within centralized system architectures, can be efficiently solved by applying distributed intelligence approaches, e.g., crowd collaboration and intelligence, distributed consensus, multi-agent learning, and edge computing enabled high performance computing. the capability of edge can be efficiently exploited. decentralized data processing, learning, and data security approaches can be studies and implemented, such as collaborative learning, federated learning, and blockchain.
the goal of this full-day workshop is to bring together researchers and experts from academia, industry, and governmental agencies to discuss and promote the research and development needed to overcome the major challenges in this research direction.

the scope of this workshop includes but not limited to:
• theories, frameworks, and algorithms of distributed intelligence for high performance unmanned mobile networks
• phy infrastructure for distributed intelligence for unmanned mobile systems
• intelligent access control and resource allocation for unmanned mobile systems
• distributed intelligence empowered future unmanned mobile networks
• edge intelligence designs and algorithms design for future unmanned systems
• distributed and collaborative machine learning for unmanned mobile systems
• distributed control and data privacy, security, attack/defense, and data persistence approaches in unmanned mobile systems
• distributed intelligence enabled green and energy-efficient unmanned mobile systems
• network economics for unmanned mobile systems with distributed intelligence
• explainable and responsible distributed artificial intelligence for unmanned mobile systems
• simulations, experiments, and testbeds of distributed intelligence for high performance unmanned mobile systems
• use cases and application scenarios highlighting distributed intelligence for high performance unmanned mobile systems
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银虫 (正式写手)

2楼2021-08-12 22:11:15
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银虫 (正式写手)

3楼2021-08-13 16:03:33
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铁杆木虫 (职业作家)


小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
4楼2021-08-16 10:24:46
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银虫 (正式写手)

5楼2021-09-03 07:59:52
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银虫 (正式写手)

6楼2021-09-06 15:30:19
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