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[交流] 全奖流体力学博士生,博士后研究员 - 密苏里大学

Fully-funded graduate Assistantships and full-time postdoc scholar in Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Missouri, Columbia

The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering of the University of Missouri invites applicants for Ph.D. and postdoctoral positions in fluid dynamics starting as early as fall 2021. We seek two skilled and motivated students/scholars to work on:

(1)        Using experimental and numerical methods to understand river dynamics and transport process.

The candidate will have the opportunity to work with the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center to understand the large river dynamics and the transport of fish eggs. Students with background in turbulence analysis using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and/or 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics models using OpenFOAM and FLOW3D are highly encouraged to apply. Position available in Spring or Fall 2022.

(2)        Using Image processing and OpenFOAM to understand hemodynamics of asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid disease.

The candidate will have the opportunity to work with clinical doctors to develop image processing algorithms to extract information from 2D CT scan images and reconstruct 3D geometry for CFD modeling. Programing skills of image processing using Python and/or Matlab are essential. The candidates should have experiences with CFD using OpenFOAM. Candidates with hemodynamics experiences are highly encouraged to apply. Position available immediately.

Interested candidates should directly contact Prof. Binbin Wang at wangbinb@missouri.edu and attach a curriculum vitae and a brief statement of research interests. To apply to the Department of Civil and Engineering graduate program, please visit https://gradstudies.missouri.edu/degreecategory/civil-and-environmental-engineering.

English Requirement for PhD students: Minimal TOEFL score: 80; minimal score of subsection: 17. GRE test is required; no minimum score set.
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