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[交流] 美国Pennsylvania State University博士/博后招聘(有机/无机电子/生物电子方向)已有3人参与

Multiple PhD and Postdoc Positions @ Pennsylvania State University – University Park

Prof. Cunjiang Yu's research group will have multiple PhD and postdoc openings for the Spring/Fall 2022. The group's new home will be located at the College of Engineering, Pennsylvania State University – University Park. The current research is focused on flexible and stretchable electronics, bioelectronics and tissue engineering. For more information, please see the following website: http://yu.me.uh.edu/  

Qualifications: Candidates with prior education, training and research experience in at least one of the following areas will be considered as priority.
1.        Organic materials and electronics: OFET; organic photovoltaic; photodetector; etc.
2.        Inorganic electronics, semiconductor materials and devices, PV, nano electronics
3.        Sensors, biosensors
4.        Flexible, stretchable and bio-integrated electronics
5.        Nano materials synthesis characterization, electrochemistry, photocatalysis
6.        Hydrogels, smart materials, tissue engineering, bioprinting
7.        Biomedical engineering; biomedical signal processing

Some recent work from the group:
1.        Yu, et al., Curvy, shape-adaptive imagers based on printed optoelectronic pixels with a kirigami design, Nature Electronics, 4, 513-521, 2021.
2.        Yu, et al., An epicardial bioelectronic patch made from soft rubbery materials and capable of spatiotemporal mapping of electrophysiological activity, Nature Electronics, 3, 775, 2020.
3.        Yu, et al., Ultra-conformal drawn-on-skin electronics for multifunctional motion artifact-free sensing and point-of-care treatment, Nature Communications, 11, 2405, 2020.
4.        Yu, et al., Stretchable elastic synaptic transistors and neurologically integrated soft engineering systems, Science Advances, 2019, eaax4691, 2019.
5.        Yu, et al., Metal oxide semiconductor nanomembrane based soft unnoticeable multifunctional electronics for wearable human-machine interfaces, Science Advances, 5, eaav9653, 2019.

Contact: If you are interested, please contact: cyu15@uh.edu, with your resume, copies of transcripts, representative publications, and any other materials to show your research capabilities and achievements.
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需要语言成绩吗?还没有语言成绩,有一篇一作nano  letter,原来是无机钙钛矿方向,专业是微电子

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