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[交流] 加拿大University of Sherbrooke招建筑环境与能源专业全奖博士/硕士已有2人参与

department of civil and building engineering
faculty of engineering
université de sherbrooke (canada)

job description
the department of civil & building engineering at the université de sherbrooke is seeking outstanding candidates to fill a ph.d. and a msc. positions. the starting time is sep. 2021, jan. 2022 or can be discussed. the graduate student will work on high-rise ventilation and air quality.

applicants from all majors relevant to hvac and mechanical engineering are encouraged to apply. preference will be given to the student with a strong background in building ventilation, air quality, building energy analysis, etc. communication and writing skills are essential.

to apply please email, as a single .pdf document: (i) curriculum vita including toefl/ielts (if applicable) scores; (ii) copies of unofficial transcripts; and (iii) copies of relevant publications (if any) to dr. dahai qi at dahai.qi@usherbrooke.ca. please include  "ph.d./msc. applicant” in the subject line of the email.
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铁虫 (初入文坛)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
5楼2021-05-21 09:44:08
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