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[交流] 北卡州立大学(NCSU)机械系2021 Fall/2022 Spring全奖博士招生已有1人参与


Ph.D. positions starting from 2021 Fall and 2022 Spring in YIN group at NCSU (North Carolina State University).

The research program will focus on soft robotics and mechanical metamaterials. Candidates with high self-motivation, experimental or modeling background and interests in mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering, and mechanics are highly encouraged to apply.

If interested, please send your resume or CV including your GPA, TOEFL or IELTS (for international candidates, it could also be waived if you have master degree in US.), and GRE score (could be waived) to Dr. Jie Yin at yingroup2013@gmail.com.

For more info about our research, please visit our website (https://jieyin.wordpress.ncsu.edu/).

NCSU is located in the city of Rayleigh, NC, USA. Its College of Engineering graduate program ranks top 25 by US News.
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