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捐助贵宾 (正式写手)

[交流] MDPI杂志Coatings激光制造专辑征稿(IF:2.436)

Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
In recent decades, laser-based materials processing has received extensive interest in manufacturing industries due to its high efficiency, great flexibility and high productivity, with applications such as laser welding, cutting, drilling, forming, cladding, ablation, texturing and polishing for a wide range of materials (including metals, ceramics, polymers and natural materials). A large number of applications in laser processing are related to surface engineering which aims to achieve superior properties by either adding a thin coating of other materials, or partially removing or modifying the characteristics of the material surface. Recently, laser-based additive manufacturing (e.g. laser powder bed fusion and laser powder/wire direct deposition) has offered significant new opportunities in producing high-quality functional parts without geometric restrictions. It is now possible to directly manufacture complex components with the desired properties built in.
This Special Issue is devoted to publishing original research and high-quality review articles relevant to recent advances in laser-based processing and additive manufacturing. Potential topics for this Special Issue will include, but are not limited to, the following:
Recent developments in laser processing related to surface engineering, such as cladding, ablation, texturing, polishing etc.
Novel laser processing technologies to improve the properties of the material surface.
Fundamental studies of laser–materials interaction.
Laser additive manufacturing of novel materials or functionally graded materials.

Dr. Yingtao Tian
Dr. Samuel Tammas-Williams
Prof. Dr. Peilei Zhang
Guest Editors

网址链接:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/coa ... rface_manufacturing

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捐助贵宾 (正式写手)

26楼2021-05-05 13:22:33
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