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[交流] 新加坡南洋理工大学_电气与电子工程学院_NED Lab_招博士生_2021年秋季已有1人参与

新加坡南洋理工大学,电气与电子工程学院,Prof. Kim Munho课题组招收半导体材料及器件方向博士生。2021年秋季入学。招收详情与联系方式请参见下文。

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore

Nano Engineering Device Laboratory (NEDL, Prof. KIM Munho’s group)

Introduction: Our research focuses on innovative approaches toward optoelectronic and electronic materials and devices. We also strive to develop unconventional semiconductor structures and device concepts to bring lasting impact to the field of semiconductor nanotechnology, electronics, and photonics.

Job Description: The NEDL group invites potential applicants who are highly motivated with the following capabilities.
(1) High motivation, hardworking and team working spirit.
(2) Research experience in semiconductor junction devices (HBTs, LEDs, laser diodes, and others) will be appreciated.
(3) Prior cleanroom fabrication and RELATED device (any one type of the above devices) experience.
(4) Research background in solid state physics, applied physics, semiconductor materials, and devices

Admission Requirement: High academic background and English test scores (TOEFL/IELTS is needed. GRE can be replaced by English exam held by NTU).

Support: Salary, tuition, and stipend will be covered for the entire PhD course period (4 years).

Candidates interested in this position (1 opening) must send CV via email (munho.kim@ntu.edu.sg). Shortlisted candidates will be asked to submit their applications. Deadline of application is 20th-April 2021.

请有意愿的同学直接通过email同prof. Kim 联系
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