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新虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 匹兹堡大学土木与环境工程系 21年秋季诚招2名环境流体力学全奖博士生及多名硕士生

美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh) 工学院土木与环境工程系 Dr. Lei Fang 课题组2021年秋季招收2名环境流体力学方向博士研究生(全奖)及多名硕士生,欢迎土木与环境工程、机械工程、流体力学、应用数学等相关专业的同学报名。报名截止日期:2021年3月1日。

Dr. Fang 2020年春季毕业于斯坦福大学,同年秋季开始在匹兹堡大学做Assistant Professor,对学生非常nice,会手把手指导每一位学生如何做实验、分析数据、写论文,参加国际会议,感兴趣的同学可以尽快邮件联系(lei.fang@pitt.edu),标题请注明“Prospective Student”。欢迎访问 Dr. Fang 的实验室网站 https://www.leifang.pitt.edu/


课题组现招收2名环境流体力学博士生(全奖)及多名硕士生,诚邀土木与环境工程、机械工程、流体力学、应用数学等相关专业有意向者申请。入学时间为2021年夏季或秋季学期,申请截止时间为2021年3月1日。对全奖博士申请感兴趣的同学可以尽快邮件联系(lei.fang@pitt.edu)并附简历,标题请注明“Prospective Pitt graduate student”。对硕士申请感兴趣的同学可直接官网申请,也欢迎另附邮件联系老师。
Ph.D. Positions Available
The Fang Group in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh is hiring Ph.D. students. The research group focuses on using environmental fluid mechanics to tackle transient and steady-state environmental problems mainly via experimental methods. Multiple fully funded projects are available now. The students will be fully covered via the research funding.
Ph.D. students will get close guidance from the principal investigator for project planning, development of experimental apparatus, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. Also, students will conduct research with first-rate research facilities in an intellectual environment. Furthermore, Ph.D. students will get enough guidance and practices in presenting research work in major national and international conferences. The anticipated starting time is Summer 2021 or Fall 2021.
•Solid fluid mechanics and turbulence knowledge
• Programming skills in Python or MATLAB
• Fluent in English communication
Preferred Skills
•Hands-on experience in fluid mechanics experiments
• Solid understanding in mathematics such as linear algebra, partial differential equations, and tensors
• Experience mentoring students
Interested applicants should contact Prof. Lei Fang at lei.fang@pitt.edu directly with the subject line “Prospective Pitt graduate student,” and include a CV. The preference will be given to the applicants who send CVs before Mar 1,2021, and Zoom interviews will be scheduled quickly after receiving qualified CVs. Please apply through https://www.engineering.pitt.edu ... raduate-Admissions/

方雷博士,2015年本科毕业于科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University),2020年博士毕业于斯坦福大学(Stanford University),博士导师为Nicholas Ouellette,同年秋季加入匹兹堡大学土木与环境工程系,任职助理教授(Assistant Professor)。他在Physical Review Letters,Physical Review Fluids,Physics of Fluids,Chaos等期刊发表过多篇文章,也是Physical Review Fluids, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science等期刊的审稿人。课题组主要研究方向为:环境流体力学,湍流动力学与生物、环境、疾病、健康的结合,新流体实验方法的设计。
Lei Fang is an Assistant Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to joining the faculty at Pitt, he received a Ph.D. from Stanford University in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. His research focuses on turbulence dynamics, and transport and mixing problems with particular emphasis on topics relevant to biology, environment, and health. Current interests include the transport of active non-spherical swimmers, biologically generated mixing,disease transition, and the development of new experimental methods.
Please visit our lab website:

匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh),又称“匹大” (PITT),成立于1787年,是历史悠久的世界顶尖公立研究型大学,美国著名高等学府,也是美国最早的十所大学之一,被美国社会誉为“公立常春藤”大学。学校位列2021 U.S. News世界大学排名第43名。
Founded in 1787, Pitt is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the nation and located in one of the most beautiful, friendly, affordable, and vibrant of the major US cities, which is ranked 43th in the 2021 U.S. News Best Global Universities Rankings. Swanson school of engineering employs world-class faculty, offers access to first-rate educational and research facilities and partnerships with industry, all of which provide the necessary edge for our graduates to discover and pursue careers that have a profound impact on meeting the current and any future challenges for the society. Swanson School of Engineering is featured insuccessful alumni and faculties, such as John A. Swanson, founder of thecomputer software firm ANSYS, Inc., and recipient of the John Fritz Medal.

Pittsburgh is located in Allegheny County near the southwest corner of Pennsylvania, at the confluence of the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio rivers. The area has four distinct seasons: winters are cold, cloudy, and moderately snowy; springs and falls are generally mild with moderate levels of sunshine; and summers are warm and humid. Average annual precipitation is 38.2 inches, and snowfall averages 41.4 inches per season.Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 23°F to 83°F and is rarely below 7°F or above 91°F.
The two largest area health care providers are the world-renowned University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) (established in 1893) and Allegheny Health Network (established in 1882). Both flagship hospitals annually rank as among the best overall in the United States, with UPMC appearing on U.S. News and World Report's “Honor Roll”every year since 2000.

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新虫 (正式写手)

4楼: Originally posted by qfhang at 2020-12-10 07:39:30

原来专业的名称是什么都没关系,只要有 1.流体力学的课程or研究背景 2.简单的编程基础 3.能英文沟通和学习 就可以申请。
12楼2020-12-11 01:45:11
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金虫 (著名写手)

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4楼2020-12-10 07:39:30
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