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铜虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 海外博士后面试经历_Nanophotonics at Baylor University已有1人参与

1st skype interview with dr. howard lee:
1.i present my research summary presentation.
2. he asks if i can do ebl and fib.
3. he said his group will be collabrated with a professor in quantum optics at texas a&m.
4. he said the result will released after 2 weeks and he wants me to come eariler.
5. he ask if resonance tunable plasmonic materials have advantages in biosensing.
6. he ask if i have experience in cars.
7. he ask my hometown and career goal.

end on 27 dec 2015. finally he informed me that he offered the position to another candidate but he had another upcoming fund that could hire another postdoc. he would contact me later for another interview.

2nd skype interview with dr. howard lee:
1. howard ask what sers/plasmonics can do as now they are well developed. i answer they can do reproducible biosensing and non-metal plasmonic strucrues by doped semiconductor nanostructures.
2. i present research works other than sers.
3. during the presentation, howard asks how to do fdtd, grow cdse nanoribbons, manipulate the nanoribbon and pump-probe the sinw pl mechanism. i answer lumerical, cvd, micro-manipulator and femtosecond laser.
4. howard ask what other fields i am interested? i answer metamaterial for circular dichroism detection, ftir absorption for biomolecule indentification.
5. howard ask how will i do research on metamaterials and sers? i answer using plasmonic optical treezers to manipulate molecules and integrate metasurface in microfluidic devices.
6. howard said he will aslo do hollow optical fiber for molecule detection.
7. howard ask how i couple the laser into fiber? i answer using thorlabs coupler with precise xyz dimensioning for free-space coupling.
8. i ask what optical characterization facility he has? howard said 3 kinds of lasers (femtosecond laser, high-power pulse laser, supercontinuum laser) and a few spectrometer that are listed in his website.
9. i ask what is my job content in his group and the collaborated group in texasa&m? howard said i will be helping students' projects, supervising students and mostly work for his group.
10. i ask when should i know the result? he said it should be in two weeks and hopfully i can start working in middle may.
11. howard ask how big is my current group and who is my current supervisor? i said my current supervisor is specialized in led and the group is 10 people.
12. howard ask if i have experience in supervising students? i said yes, i am training and supervising students in dong optical measurement of the nanostructures.
13. howard ask if i have experience in ebl? i said no, but i have experience in doing fib.
14. howard ask how do i use fib? i said i use fib to pattern on a sacrificing material deposited on gan and use it as a mask for icp etching of gan.

end on 23 mar 2016. offer came on 17 apr 2016.

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木虫 (正式写手)

小木虫: 金币+0.5, 给个红包,谢谢回帖
2楼2020-06-13 20:40:08
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铜虫 (正式写手)

2楼: Originally posted by 小_小虫子 at 2020-06-13 13:40:08

3楼2020-06-14 16:14:29
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