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新虫 (正式写手)

[交流] Elsiver Article Transfer Service

鄙人昨遇奇事,于elsivers上投稿A期刊。等待一周,被拒并建议Article transfer到B期刊,在投稿系统中顺手一点,同意Article transfer。然后去登录B期刊的Editorial Manager页面尝试登录看情况。输入用户名密码,登录不进去,但是其他的期刊的Editorial Manager就能登进去,而且邮件中的连接也是失效了,咋回事,一脸懵逼。没搞懂我的论文到底在哪里?我怎么才能看到进度?问啥B期刊登录不进去?

Title: xx
Journal: Optics and Lasers in Engineering

Dear Dr. XX

Thank you for your submission to Optics and Lasers in Engineering. Having now evaluated your manuscript, I feel there are other Elsevier journals that may better suit the scope.

Please click on the link below to find out more about the alternative journals I recommend. They all participate in Elsevier’s Article Transfer Service, which means you do not have to resubmit or reformat your manuscript, you just have to accept or decline the transfer offers. The link is valid for 30 days.

The Article Transfer Service aims to speed up the publication of promising papers. To help with that process, any editor and reviewer comments are transferred with your manuscript – if they are available for your submission, you will find them listed below my signature at the end of this letter. Please note that your acceptance of a transfer offer does not guarantee that your paper will be published in the journal you have selected.

To learn more about the Article Transfer Service, please visit www.elsevier.com/authors/article-transfer-service

Kind regards,

Erwin Hack
Deputy Editor
Optics and Lasers in Engineering

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17楼2020-05-26 21:25:07
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