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[交流] 法国国家科学研究中Azzedine院士课题组招2020年CSC博士生

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法国国家科学研究中心 金属有机配位化学所 (CNRS LCC) Azzedine BOUSSEKSOU院士课题组招2020年CSC博士生2名,课题核心为自旋交叉材料(spin crossover materials)。Azzedine研究员,法国科学院院士,欧洲科学院院士,LCC研究所主任,H因子58,被引次数过万(web of science 数据)。课题组主要研究自旋交叉材料的合成与表征及其在电学器件/光学器件的应用与机理探究。课题组现有研究员三名(其中一个附件中招生的Gabor研究员H因子54),MDC(终生职位,约相当于副教授)两名,课题组工作语言英语,同事友善,气氛很好,特别是老师很好说话,文章发表快。除给出拟定课题外,也欢迎有想法的同学根据课题组近年发表文章与课题背景,自行撰写研究计划,可以商量。研究内容高度交叉,化学(配位化学、理论计算化学)、物理(电、磁、光学),欢迎相关背景同学咨询,招生不限自旋电子学背景。请有意者将简历发至对应老师的邮箱,并cc: yuteng.zhang@lcc-toulouse.frzhangyutengfr@gmail.com。课题组有丰富的与csc合作经验,现有csc博士生三名,简历通过者,课题组方面会尽力帮助完成申请,并提供必要材料。

Title: Surface energy and phase stability in molecular nano-objects
Keywords: Molecular switches, nanomaterials, statistical physics, nanothermodynamics, atomic force microscopy, molecular dynamics.
Supervisors: Azzedine Bousseksou and William Nicolazzi
Contacts: azzedine.bousseksou@lcc-toulouse.fr, william.nicolazzi@lcc-toulouse.fr
Location: Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS & University of Toulouse, 205 route de Narbonne, 31077 Toulouse, France
Abstract: Nanoscale spin crossover materials capable of undergoing reversible switching between two electronic configurations with markedly different physical properties are excellent candidates for various technological applications [1]. The successful downsizing of these molecular materials in the past decade has created a tangible opportunity to seriously consider these technological prospects, but revealed also undesirable finite size effects [2]. We have pointed out that size reduction effects include mainly surface-related phenomena and the concept of spin-state dependent surface energy and surface stress has been introduced [3]. This PhD project will be devoted to the quantitative analysis of surface energies in the high spin and low spin forms of a thin molecular layer using a combined experimental/theoretical approach based on atomic force microscopy measurements [4] and molecular dynamics calculations [5]. We expect that this work will allow us to establish a more direct link between the microscopic theory of spin crossover and experiments and, ultimately, to achieve a more rational nanomaterial design.
[1] Adv. Mater. 2018, 30, 1703862.
[2] J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 1511.
[3] Phys. Rev. Lett. 2013, 110, 235701.
[4] Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 2889.
[5] Phys. Rev. B 2017, 96, 035427.

Title: Molecule-based phase change materials for all-optical switching
Keywords: Molecular switches, phase change materials, optical switches, photonic devices.
Supervisor: Gabor Molnar
Contacts: gabor.molnar@lcc-toulouse.fr
Location: Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS & University of Toulouse, 205 route de Narbonne, 31077 Toulouse, France
Abstract: Materials that undergo electronic and/or structural phase change associated with a reversible change of optical properties have received recently increasing attention for fundamental research in light-matter interactions as well as for the development of active photonic devices [1-2]. These phase change materials (PCMs) exhibit large changes of the refractive index in response to an external stimulus, which has been exploited for a variety of photonic applications such as smart windows, optical memories, spatial light modulators and photonic integrated circuits. Emerging molecular spin crossover nanomaterials may provide significant advantages over conventional PCMs (e.g. chalcogenides and liquid crystals) such as low losses in the visible-NIR range, low power operation and the possibility of fast all-optical modulation [3-4]. This PhD thesis aims at demonstrating these promises in operando conditions (e.g. in spin crossover based waveguides, gratings, optical cavities, etc.) in order to be able to compare the different figures of merit of spin crossover compounds with the current landscape of PCM materials.

[1] Optical Materials Express 2018, 8, 332434.
[2] IEEE Photonics Journal 2015, 7, 0700305.
[3] Advanced Materials 2018, 30, 1703862.
[4] Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1901361.
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银虫 (职业作家)

2楼: Originally posted by Vieesttoi at 2020-02-17 16:57:27


3楼2020-02-17 17:12:42
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