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[交流] 美国马里兰大学生物免疫学招收博士一名

University of Maryland College Park is currently recruiting PhD students. The positions are available immediately. The research is funded by NIH and will focus on fungal immunology, host-pathogen interactions, T cell responses, cytokines, immune responses to parasites, mechanisms of fungal migration to the brain. Below are our recent publications.

Sun D, Sun P, Li H, Zhang M, Liu G, Strickland AB, Chen Y, Fu Y, Xu J, Yosri M, Nan Y, Zhou H, Zhang X, Shi M. 2019. Fungal dissemination is limited by liver macrophage filtration of the blood. Nature Communications 10:4566.
Liu G, Fu Y, Yosri M, Chen Y, Sun P, Xu J, Zhang M, Sun D, Strickland AB, Mackey ZB, Shi M. 2019. CRIg plays an essential role in intravascular clearance of bloodborne parasites by interacting with complement. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116: 24214-24220.
Sun D, Zhang M, Sun P, Liu G, Strickland AB, Chen Y, Fu Y, Yosri M, Shi M. 2020. VCAM1/VLA4 interaction mediates Ly6Clow monocyte recruitment to the brain in a TNFR signaling dependent manner during fungal infection. PLOS Pathogens in press.

University of Maryland is a prestigious research university. The University is located in the area of Washington DC, very close to NIH, USDA, and FDA.

Students with background of immunology, microbiology, cell biology, basic medicine, biomedicine or veterinary medicine are encouraged to directly contact the principal investigator as soon as possible via email below:


M. Shi, DVM, PhD, University of Maryland, 8075 Greenmead Drive, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA. Tel: 301-314-1122, Fax: 301-314-6855

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2020-01-29 08:39   回复  
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