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Beth lin

铁虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 全球知名有机硅外企-采购分析师/行业研究员


Job Description:
• Support corporate level analyses including development of presentations and present to Senior Leaders and business partners;
• Lead and provide insightful market analysis, interpretation of raw materials, indirect materials & services or logistics services;
• Provide strategic analysis and information for development of short-term and long-term procurement strategy;
• Drive and facilitate Commodity Manager to apply analytical tools into their Procurement Plan and Deep Dive development;
• Track key procurement performance metrics and periodically report it out the team;
• Prepare for and participate in major supplier negotiations and analyze commercial opportunities;
• Globally communicate across regional teams as well as senior company leadership.

• Master’s degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering, Business and Finance required;
• Must be proficient in statistical analysis and possess advanced analytical, logic and critical thinking skills;
• Must demonstrate experience or ability to develop strategy of commodity market analysis, understand commercial situations;
• Familiarity with ERP tools (specifically Excel and SAP) to plot data and provide insights;
• Good at PPT skills and making presentations;
• International company working experience is a plus;

[ 来自版块群 上海 ]
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Beth lin

铁虫 (初入文坛)

2楼2019-12-17 17:43:01
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