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[交流] Postdoctoral positions - University of Illinois at Chicago

Two postdoctoral research associate positions in the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA) are available immediately for highly motivated
individuals to investigate molecular mechanisms regulating innate immunity, endothelial permeability, vascular inflammation, and lung
injury using biophysical, biochemical, and functional assays. The successful applicant will spearhead NIH-funded research project(s) and
develop the ability to work independently. Candidates should have a  Ph.D. or M.D./Ph.D. in molecular cell biology or relevant field of
study. Applicants should have a strong publication record. Prior experience in  the field of innate immunity and inflammation is strongly
preferred. Appointments and salary are commensurate with research experience, accomplishments and based on NIH guidelines.
Candidates should submit a description of their research interests, curriculum vitae, and the  names and contact information of three
references to Dr. Guochang Hu at gchu@uic.edu. UIC is an AA/EOE.
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