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[交流] Journal of Coastal Research专刊征稿(SCI收录、录用率高、速度快)

Proposal Form of Special Issue

(1) Title of the Special Issue
Air-Sea Interaction and Coastal Environment of the Maritime and Polar Silk Roads

(2) Description of the Special Issue
The marine disasters have serious threat to human life and production. However, on the other hand, ocean parameters also play an important role in many fields such as wave/offshore power generation, global climate change research, etc. Predecessors have made great contribution to the ocean environment analysis in global oceans, and significant achievements have been achieved. Due to the scarcity of data and technical difficulty, the research on the ocean environment of the South China Sea-Indian Ocean (SCS-IO) and Arctic Ocean is extremely scarce, with difficulties and the key technologies mainly reflected in air-sea interaction, coastal environment, swell and its propagation characteristics, the long-term variation of oceanic parameters, the correlation between the oceanic parameters and important astronomical earth factors, the bad sea conditions and maritime search and rescue, which  are urgently needed in the marine development and utilization.
The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in SCS-IO and the Polar Silk Road in Arctic Ocean are important ways for mankind to achieve common prosperity and progress. The purpose of this special issue is to explore the technologies of ocean parameters, data assimilation and analysis, short-term forecast and long-term projection, marine disaster warning and risk assessment, etc., with a focus on its specific application under diversified missions such as ocean navigation, marine resource development, disaster prevention and reduction, etc., in hope of providing scientific reference and decision-making assistance for the decision makers, researchers and engineers engaged in the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and the Polar Silk Road, thus to promote the safe and efficient development of the marine construction.

(3) Potential topics
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
        Novel technologies and equipment for ocean observation
        Climatic characteristics of oceanic and meteorological elements
        Oceanic and meteorological short-term forecast and long-term projection
        Separation technology of wind-sea and swell & swell propagation characteristics
        Temporal-spatial distribution of disastrous oceanic and meteorological elements
        Coastal dynamic environment and coastal power protection
        Estuarine dynamic environment and estuarine coastal landform
        Calculation and long-term variation of sea surface height
        Tropical ocean variability and weather & climate anomalies
        Mid-latitude ocean variability and weather & climate anomalies
        Tropical SST anomaly mode and MJO activity

1、发表期刊为Journal of Coastal Research,严格参照国外SCI审稿标准进行审稿、录用、出版等,因稿件数量有限,欲投从速;
6、联系人:马老师     qq:2207838973 。  

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