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I would be pleased to consider further for publication a revised manuscript by 23-Sep-2019 at the latest, that addresses the concerns of the reviewers and corrects the following issues:

1) Funding Sources: Authors are required to report ALL funding sources and grant/award numbers relevant to this manuscript. Enter all sources of funding for ALL authors relevant to this manuscript in BOTH the Open Funder Registry tool in ACS Paragon Plus and in the manuscript to meet this requirement. See http://pubs.acs.org/page/4authors/funder_options.html for complete instructions.

2) ORCID: Authors submitting manuscript revisions are required to provide their own validated ORCID iDs before completing the submission, if an ORCID iD is not already associated with their ACS Paragon Plus user profiles. This iD may be provided during original manuscript submission or when submitting the manuscript revision. You can provide only your own ORCID iD, a unique researcher identifier. If your ORCID iD is not already validated and associated with your ACS Paragon Plus user profile, you may do so by following the ORCID-related links in the Email/Name section of your ACS Paragon Plus account. All authors are encouraged to register for and associate their own ORCID iDs with their ACS Paragon Plus profiles. The ORCID iD will be displayed in the published article for any author on a manuscript who has a validated ORCID iD associated with ACS Paragon Plus when the manuscript is accepted. Learn more at http://www.orcid.org.

关于问题(2),已在文末写上通讯作者的ORCID ID号,不知问题出在哪里?应该不需要写上所有作者的ORCID ID吧?另外,如何检查ORCID ID和ACS Paragon Plus user profiles是否已关联?(不知道是不是两者没关联的问题)
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5楼2023-02-16 13:03:41
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