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[交流] 北航土木新型结构及高性能材料课题组招收博士研究生


北京航空航天大学土木与机场工程系目前拥有机场跑道、结构、岩土、工程材料和测量等5个实验室、以及机场防灾减灾中心。承担了973和863等guo jia计划项目、以及数十项guo jia自然科学基金项目的科学研究。新型结构及高性能材料课题组面向国民经济需求,以新型空间结构、高性能纤维复合材料与结构为主要研究对象,重点研究新型耐久模块化拼装结构、空间可展开结构、3d打印材料及结构、高性能纤维复合材料的应用,为现代化、智能化结构领域提供必要的理论基础与应用技术。在该课题方向上,北航土木与机场工程系目前已经有多名“qian ren 计划”青年项目入选者及北航“卓越百人”等高水平科研人员从事相关研究工作。相关实验室拥有较为完整的实验设备,比如疲劳试验机、高速拉伸试验机、霍普金森杆、dma、高性能计算服务器、复合材料制备设备等、机场跑道三向加载试验装置。课题组与澳大利亚、美国、瑞士和日本等国际顶尖高校及科研机构保持密切的合作关系,为课题组成员提供了良好的国际学术交流的平台。

a. 博士后
a. 具有结构工程;固体力学(工程力学);机械工程;材料科学与工程(建筑材料、复合材料、有机材料等)等相关专业博士学位;
b. 熟悉复合材料(树脂基或水泥基)及其制备工艺;或熟练掌握力学及结构实验、数值模拟计算方法;
c. 已发表第一作者sci论文不少于3篇,能指导课题组硕士及博士生的相关研究;
d. 良好的团队合作能力和科研热情;
e. 年龄35在岁以下,身体健康,有较强的事业心和责任感。

a. 工资和福利待遇按北京航空航天大学相关规定执行;课题组将视科研成绩提高工资待遇到国际博士后人员工资水平;特别优秀者可以聘任北京航空航天大学教师职位。
b. 特别优秀者课题组将支持申请北京航空航天大学“卓越百人”博士后计划(具体要求见北航人事处网站),入选该计划2年后经考核可以转为正式编制副教授岗位;博士后期间年薪18万/年。
c. 特别优秀者,课题组将支持申请北航助理教授(教研岗位),年薪20万以上,并配有科研经费。
d. 除正常工资外,根据科研贡献享受可观的绩效和论文奖励。
e. 聘期内可以项目负责人身份申请国家、省、市科研基金,课题组将给与全力支持。
f. 根据课题进展和需要,协助安排赴海外高校和研究机构合作交流、参加国际会议。
g. 提供良好的校内住房和办公、实验条件。
h. 学校负责解决博士后住房及入园入托。

b. 硕士、博士研究生
a. 招收相关专业(结构工程、材料工程、机械工程、工程力学等专业)的研究生(硕士、直博均可)(考研、保研均可);申请博士研究生的需要有期刊论文发表经历。
b. 优秀研究生同学毕业后可留在课题组继续工作或推荐到海外著名实验室进一步深造。
c. 因为北航不接受调剂生,请第一志愿报考北航,需要调剂的同学还请谅解。
d. 博士研究生采用申请考核制,不需要进行博士入学考试,具体实施办法参考北航网站

1、申请人首先邮件发送如下材料(材料a适用所有应聘者,材料b、c、d仅限博士后岗位申请者):a. 详细的个人简历(包括个人基本情况、教育和工作经历、科研工作概述、详细的论文发表情况、本人联系方式)以及能体现个人科研能力和学术水平的相关资料; b. 博士学位证书复印件(暂未取得学位证书的应届生可提交答辩决议);c. 本领域推荐专家推荐信2封或其联系方式(博士后推荐信包括博士生导师);d. 科研成果目录、博士学位论文摘要,并提交个人代表性学术论文2-5篇。课题组邮箱wuchao@buaa.edu.cn

postdoc fellow and ph.d./m.s. students in center for space structures and advanced engineering materials at beihang university

about the university
beihang university, also known as beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics (buaa) is a major public research university located in beijing, china. buaa is one of the ten highest ranking engineering universities in china. it is a member of the prestigious project 211 and project 985 group of most elite chinese public universities. together with tsinghua university, peking university, it is widely considered to be one of the top three engineering and research universities in the capital beijing. nowadays, it has evolved into a university with a heavy focus on high level technological and scientific research. buaa has 42 research institutes or interdisciplinary research centers, 11 key disciplines of the national level, and 89 laboratories. in recent years buaa has ranked among the foremost in china in terms of funding for scientific research.

about the center
the center for space structures and advanced engineering materials at buaa is a newly established center with heavy and sustained research funding from the central government. a multi-disciplinary group of researchers work there. currently several national renowned “1000 plan” professors and “beihang zhuoyue” professors have joined the school and are conducting cutting edge research. the center has established strong collaborations with international top tier universities and research institutes in us, australia and switzerland, providing a high profile research platform for the members at the center. by addressing the national strategic development requirements, the center is carrying out extensive research in areas including innovative space structures, high performance fiber composites and structures, smart modular structures, deployable structures, 3d printing materials and structures, and etc. the center aims at becoming the top research intensive center providing solutions for the next generation of space structures and engineering materials.

about the positions
a. postdoctoral research fellow
a. phd degree in structural engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering (construction materials, composite materials, and etc.) or other relevant disciplines; the phd degree should have been obtained within 5 years;
b. familiar with composite materials (cement based or polymer based) and related manufacture methods; or familiar with material characterization testing and routine structural testing, and numerical simulation techniques;
c. at least 3 publications in international journals;
d. good verbal and written english skills;
e. experience of supervising graduate students is preferred.
a. international competing salary: the center provides full support to apply for the “beihang zhuoyue” postdoc position with a salary of 180,000 rmb/year. if successful, the postdoc will be promoted to associate professor after the first contract;
b. the center also provides full support to apply for the assistant professor position with a salary above 200,000 rmb/year, with good startup research funding.
c. top-up bonus considering the research excellence and journal publications;
d. the center supports the candidate to apply national, local research grants as principle investigator;
e. opportunities of conducting collaborative research in top tier universities in us, australia and switzerland;
f. excellent working space and testing facilities;
g. each appointment will be for up to two years with the potential for extension.
successful candidates are expected to conduct independent research with minimal supervision and high self-motivation, publish technical papers in international journals, and present their research work in international conferences.

b. phd and master students
full scholarship will be provided to the following candidates:
a. a bachelor/master degree in structural engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering (construction materials, composite materials, and etc.) or other relevant disciplines;
b. publication experience is preferred;
c. no phd entrance examination. please refer to the following website for the application process.
top students can be promoted to principle investigator/assistant professor at beihang university with sustained funding, or have opportunities to continue the research at international top universities in us, australia and switzerland.

application documents and procedure
an application should include a latest cv with a publication list, a research statement, and the contact information (including name, affiliation, phone number and email address) of at least two references. review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled.
for more information, please contact the search committee at +86 18311127207 or wuchao@buaa.edu.cn


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