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银虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 2 PhD positions at George Washington University (Aerospace/AI/Optimization)

Peng Wei is an assistant professor in Iowa State University Aerospace Engineering Department, with courtesy appointments in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Computer Science Department. With methods from control, optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, he develops autonomy and human-in-the-loop decision making systems for aeronautics, aviation and aerial robotics. His recent focus is on safety, efficiency and scalability of the decision making algorithms for systems in uncertain, dynamic environments, such as air traffic control/management, airline operations, UAS traffic management (UTM), eVTOL urban air mobility, and autonomous drone racing. Prof. Wei is leading the Intelligent Aerospace Systems Lab (IASL). He received his Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from Purdue University in 2013 and his B.S. degree in Automation from Tsinghua University in 2007.

Prof. Wei's past and current graduate students obtained full time positions and internships at NASA Ames, FAA, American Airlines, Air France/KLM, MIT Lincoln Lab, Airbus, TuSimple, Airmap, and Metron Aviation. Through these close industry collaborations, Prof. Wei's group have been conducting original and impactful research for real world problems (e.g. our models have been running at American Airlines and the FAA to benefit the society).

After spending 5 years at Iowa State, Prof. Wei will join the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at George Washington University in January 2020. There will be two PhD positions open in his group starting from Fall 2020. Motivated students with excellent mathematical background and strong programming skills are encouraged to apply, including but not limited to background in dynamics and control, optimization and operations research, statistical machine learning, and reinforcement learning.

Please see more details about Prof. Peng Wei at http://www.aere.iastate.edu/~pwei/ If you are interested in working with Prof. Wei, please contact him directly by sending your CV and transcripts to pwei@gwu.edu.
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银虫 (小有名气)

帮老板转发的招生广告。Dr. Wei 人很Nice,工业界和学界人脉很广,是空管,航班运营,特别是低空无人机管制领域的rising star。欢迎大家申请我们实验室!
2楼2019-08-14 11:21:32
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铜虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by jude1990 at 2019-08-14 11:21:32
帮老板转发的招生广告。Dr. Wei 人很Nice,工业界和学界人脉很广,是空管,航班运营,特别是低空无人机管制领域的rising star。欢迎大家申请我们实验室!

3楼2019-08-14 19:12:47
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新虫 (小有名气)

4楼2019-08-15 19:24:59
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