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[交流] 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学Scientia PhD Scholarship博士研究生(电气、储能、控制)

澳大利亚新南威尔士大学招scientia phd scholarship博士研究生主要方向是分布式储能

unsw sydney (australia) scientia phd scholarship

stipend: $41,209 per year for four years (2019 rate, indexed)
tuition fees: covered for the full four year candidature
career development: up to $10k each year to build your career and support your international research collaborations

project description
this project aims to develop distributed strategies for adaptive aggregation and control of residential energy storage (es) systems. the strategies will optimally aggregate different types/sizes of es systems to provide a particular power network service. this will enable to reduce costs by improving the utilisation of the network assets. for example, it will assist network operators to deal with voltage excursions, caused by higher levels of solar generation penetration, in a controlled and targeted manner. alternatively, it will allow to aggregate selected es systems to store excess renewable energy to be distributed during periods of peak demand.

ideal candidate
the candidate must have an undergraduate degree (first class or equivalent) with advanced control systems courses, and courses related to power systems and renewable generation. ideally, the candidate should also have a master degree specialising in advanced control systems design with focus on power systems. previous research experience/publications in the areas of distributed control systems design, distributed optimisation or clustering methods is highly desirable.

https://www.scientia.unsw.edu.au ... rgy-storage-systems

unsw sydney (australia) scientia phd scholarship

application deadline: 12 july 2019 starting date: february to september 2020 stipend: $41,209 per year for four years (2019 rate, indexed) tuition fees: covered for the full four year candidature career development: up to $10k each year to build your career and support your international research collaborations

project description
this project aims to develop distributed strategies for adaptive aggregation and control of residential energy storage (es) systems. the strategies will optimally aggregate different types/sizes of es systems to provide a particular power network service. this will enable to reduce costs by improving the utilisation of the network assets. for example, it will assist network operators to deal with voltage excursions, caused by higher levels of solar generation penetration, in a controlled and targeted manner. alternatively, it will allow to aggregate selected es systems to store excess renewable energy to be distributed during periods of peak demand.

ideal candidate
the candidate must have an undergraduate degree with advanced control systems courses, and courses related to power systems and renewable generation.

https://www.scientia.unsw.edu.au ... stems#opennewwindow

application deadline: 12 july 2019
starting date: february to september 2020
stipend: $41,209 per year for four years (2019 rate, indexed)
tuition fees: covered for the full four year
candidature career development: up to $10k each year to build your career and support your international research collaborations

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木虫 (著名写手)

NikoKlaus(金币+1): 谢谢参与
Thanks,持续关注一下2020 Fall的招生情况
2楼2019-09-12 14:10:39
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