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[求助] 关于Fortran编程遇到的问题


program caphere

dimension porerho(3000),porethta(3000),porephi(3000),porerad(3000)

real inclrho(8000),inclthta(8000),inclphi(8000),inclrad(8000)

integer nsurf(100),nsepd(100)

dimension ashsum(100),ashsum2(100),bshsum(100),bshsum2(100)

real az(100),surfbin(100,15),sepdbin(100,15)

common /inclusion/ inclrho, inclthta, inclphi, inclrad

common /pores/ porerho, porethta, porephi, porerad

common /dimensions/ radchar, radpore, radincl

common /parameters/ iupper, ilower, issed, delz

common /bins/ az, surfbin, sepdbin, nsurf, neepd

common /sums/ ashsum, ashsum2, bshsum, bshsum2

open(5, file='csin')

open(7, file='csout1')

open(8, file='csout2')



read(5,*)radchar, delz

do 10 ik=1,nruns

read(5,*)radpore, radincl

read(5,*)fvpore, fvincl



650 format(20x,'mruns=',i8)

800 format(14x'char radius=',f16.1)

325 format(/10x'number of pores=',i8/5x,'number of inclusions=',i8)

600 format(//5x,45('*')

$ /5x,'**** results from the continuous model ****'

$ /5x,45('*')//)

750 format(20x,'iseed=',i12)

do 5 i=1,100

nsurf(i)=0 nsepd(i)=0 ashsum(i)=0. ashsum2(i)=0. bshsum(i)=0. bshsum2(i)=0. do 6 j=1,15 surfbin(i,j)=0 sepdbin(i,j)=0

6 continue

5 continue

do 15 j=1,mruns

vfrpore=0 vfrincl=0 npores=fvpore*(radchar/radpore)**3 write(6,*)'Starting the run no.',j,'......'

call distribn(j,npores,nincls,vfrpore,vfrincl)

if(npores.ne.0)then call sort(1,npores)

endif call sort(2,nincls) call reaction(iz,npores,nincls)

call results(vfrpore,vfrincl,nincls) 这一行报错

write(6,*)'Finished the run no.',j,'......'

15 continue

call results(iz,mruns,vfrpore,vfrincl,nincls)

10 continue stop end

错误如下、 error #6631: A non-optional actual argument must be present when invoking a procedure with an explicit interface. [NINCLS]

error #6631: A non-optional actual argument must be present when invoking a procedure with an explicit interface. [VFRINCL]

error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument. [NINCLS]

error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument. [VFRINCL]

error #6633: The type of the actual argument differs from the type of the dummy argument. [VFRPORE]
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼2019-06-02 08:37:06
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