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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 香港中文大学(深圳)科比尔卡创新药物开发研究院(Goran教授课题组)招聘博士后


Laboratory Introductiont
The Stjepanovic lab https://www.stjepanoviclab.org/ research interests Is to understand the structural and mechanistic basis of autophagosomal and autolysosomal membrane formation and dynamics using a combination of state-of-the-art structural and biochemical/biophysical techniques. The available subprojects are highly interdisciplinary and range from proteomics approaches to the study of macromolecular complexes using cryo-electron microscopy.

Post Specification
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Conducting academic research under the instruction of the primary investigator;
2. Performing other research-related duties as assigned;
3. Need to participate in the host organization's activities, including student-faculty seminars, workshops, and public lectures;
4. Working during non-office hours and some business traveling may be needed;
5. Undertaking other assignments assigned by the supervisor.

Qualifications and Requirements:
1. PhD degree and expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology or a related discipline;
2. Hands-on experience in protein expression and purification, as well as functional analysis using biochemical and biophysical techniques, are prerequisites;
3. Experience in membrane protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy, mass spectrometry, and/or cryo-EM is an advantage;
4. Good writing skills and fluency in English are required.

Salary and Benefits
Salary will be competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointments will be made under the establishment of CUHK-SZ and statutory benefits will be provided according to the prevailing labor laws applicable in the PRC. The appointee will be based at the University campus in Shenzhen, PRC.

Application Procedure
Please send a full curriculum vitae and names of three referees by email to goranstjepanovic@cuhk.edu.cn

Goran 主页.png


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新虫 (小有名气)


6楼2019-04-18 09:32:36
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼2019-04-15 14:17:02
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新虫 (小有名气)

Goran Stjepanovic 教授于克罗地亚萨格勒布大学分子生物学专业获得了学士学位,他的本科毕业论文研究了人类低密度脂蛋白的氧化以及他们在动脉硬化发病机制中的角色。之后他在德国海德堡大学的Irmgard Sinning实验室完成了他在结构生物学和膜生物化学的博士学习。他的研究关注跨细胞膜的蛋白质易位中的信号识别颗粒通道。毕业后,他加入了加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的James Hurley实验室。在那里他把分子生物学的技术与质谱分析法和生化调整结合来研究早期自噬体的形成。他的博士后工作重点是了解自噬特异性PI3-激酶和ULK1蛋白复合物的结构和调节机制。2018年,Goran成为了香港中文大学(深圳)的助理教授。他也是Kobilka创新药物发现研究所的首席研究员
3楼2019-04-16 09:25:37
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新虫 (小有名气)

Qualifications and Requirements:
1. PhD degree and expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology or a related discipline;
2. Hands-on experience in protein expression and purification, as well as functional analysis using biochemical and biophysical techniques, are prerequisites;
3. Experience in membrane protein biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy, mass spectrometry, and/or cryo-EM is an advantage;
4. Good writing skills and fluency in English are required.
4楼2019-04-17 11:36:51
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