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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 新加坡科技设计大学招博后,月薪5000新币

Postdoc Position— Micro/Nano Fabrication + Optics and Photonics

A postdoctoral researcher position is available in ACTAlab at SUTD. ACTAlab (www.actalab.com) designs and develops chalcogenide materials for photonics, electronics, biosensing, and data storage applications. We are searching for a highly motivated and self-driven individual with excellent communication and writing skills. The successful candidate will join our effort designing phase change material photonic devices. In particular they should be creative and dynamic in their approach to the following tasks:
— Designing materials and tunable Dielectric Antennas
— Developing an optical set-up to analyze dielectric antenna materials
— Designing switching devices based on phase change materials
— Collaborate effectively with internal and external research teams

The salary will be at least S$5000 per month, depending on experience.
The position is available now, and we hope to make an offer within the next 4 weeks.

Please send your application in English language to robert_simpson@sutd.edu.sg. Please set the email subject to “Photonics Postdoc”. Please include your CV, a publication list, and highlight your best 5 papers.

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新虫 (正式写手)

sputtering(金币+1): 谢谢参与

12楼2019-03-26 09:22:05
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新虫 (小有名气)

sputtering: 回帖置顶 2019-03-25 14:50:38
Postdoc Position— Micro/Nano Fabrication + Electronics

postdoctoral researcher position is available in ACTAlab
at SUTD. ACTAlab (www.actalab.com)
designs and develops chalcogenide materials for photonics, electronics,
biosensing, and data storage applications. We are searching for a highly
motivated and self-driven individual with excellent communication and writing
skills. The successful candidate will join our effort designing phase change
material electronic devices. In particular they should be creative and dynamic
in their approach to the following tasks:

— Developing processes to fabricate devices using photo- or
e-beam lithography

— Designing switching devices based on phase change

— Designing switching devices based on phase change

— Collaborate effectively with internal and external
research teams

The starting salary will be from S$5000 per month depending
on experience.

The position is available now, and we hope to make an offer
within the next 2 weeks.
4楼2019-03-25 14:50:19
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木虫 (著名写手)

sputtering(金币+1): 谢谢参与

7楼2019-03-25 16:59:03
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

sputtering(金币+1): 谢谢参与

14楼2019-03-26 17:06:05
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2019-03-25 14:32   回复  
sputtering(金币+1): 谢谢参与
2019-03-25 14:34   回复  
sputtering(金币+1): 谢谢参与
2019-03-25 17:20   回复  
sputtering(金币+1): 谢谢参与
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