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木虫 (著名写手)

[调剂信息] 江西师大国家单糖中心胡祥国导师招收2019年有机/药物化学硕士调剂生2名!!!(已满)


学校: 江西师大
专业: 理学->化学->有机化学
年级: 2020
招生人数: 2
招生状态: 已停止招生
联系方式: (为保护个人隐私,联系方式仅限APP查看)



我们课题组招收2019年有机/药物化学硕士调剂生2名,要求成绩达到国家线(a类), 男生(现在女生名额已满),英语过四级,成绩在330以上,动手能力强, 在本科期间从事过科研实习或研究者优先考虑.

邹良静师兄   电话:15170498613   qq:  1264428424              
史文泽师兄   电话:15970445200   qq:  2014684503 邮箱:18772395200@163.com
简历包括:个人简介; 学业背景,是否应届;科研经历(简明扼要即可);考研成绩单(各科成绩,报考院校及专业);英语成绩证明(四六级成绩);本科期间所修大部分主干专业课(主要是了解一下修过什么课程);联系方式(电话及qq)


胡祥国,江西师范大学国家单糖中心特聘教授,江西省杰出青年(2017)。2005年6月湘潭大学获工学学士学位,同年9月保送进入中国科学院化学研究所,2010年获理学博士学位。博士期间主要从事双环多羟基生物碱的全合成及活性研究工作。2010年8月-2012年8月中国科学院化学研究所助理研究员,主要从事活性亚胺糖分子设计与合成及亚胺糖药物的工艺研究。2012年8月-2015年3月在新南威尔士大学进行博士后研究,2015年3月加盟江西师范大学国家单糖中心进行教学科研工作。迄今在国际高水平杂志angew.chem. int. ed, org. lett, j. org. chem. green chem.等国际期刊发表论文24篇,申请授权发明专利10余项,所开发的治疗糖尿病药物米格列醇的新工艺已被浙江奥翔药业采用并中试生产。主要研究兴趣为糖化学、有机氟化学.


1.        zhang, x.-w.; hu, w.-l.; chen, s.; hu, x.-g.*, cu-catalyzed synthesis of fluoroalkylated isoxazoles from commercially available amines and alkynes. org. lett. 2018, 20, 860-863.
2.        gao, f.-t.; fang, z.; su, r.-r.; rui, p.-x.; hu, x.-g.*, hydroximoyl fluorides as the precursors of nitrile oxides: synthesis, stability and [3 + 2]-cycloaddition with alkynes. org. biomol. chem. 2018, 16, 9211-9217.
3.        wang, h.; tu, y.-h.; liu, d.-y.; hu, x.-g., cu-catalyzed/mediated synthesis of n-fluoroalkylanilines from arylboronic acids: fluorine effect on the reactivity of fluoroalkylamines. org. biomol. chem. 2018, 16, 6634-6637.
4.        gao, y.; peng, s.; liu, d.; rui, p.; hu, x.-g., copper-catalyzed four component reaction for the synthesis of n-difluoroethyl imides. eur. j. org. chem. 10.1002/ejoc.201801334.
5.        liu, t.; yan, n.; zhao, h.; wang, z.-x.; hu, x.-g. *, synthesis and antibacterial activity of 6(r)- and 6(s)-fluoropenibruguieramine as: fluorine as a probe for testing the powerfulness of memory of chirality (moc). j. fluorine chem. 2018, 207, 18-23.
6.        peng, s. q.; zhang, x. w.; zhang, l.; hu, x. g. *, esterification of carboxylic acids with difluoromethyl diazomethane and interrupted esterification with trifluoromethyl diazomethane: a fluorine effect. org. lett. 2017, 19, 5689-5692.
7.        yan, n.; lei, z. w.; su, j. k.; liao, w. l.; hu, x. g. *, ring opening of sugar-derived epoxides by tbaf/khf2: an attractive alternative for the introduction of fluorine into the carbohydrate scaffold. chin. chem. lett. 2017, 28, 467-470.
8.        hu, w.-l.; hu, x.-g. *; hunter, l., recent developments in the deoxyfluorination of alcohols and phenols: new reagents, mechanistic insights, and applications. synthesis 2017, 49, 4917-4930.
9.        fang, z.; hu, w. l.; liu, d. y.; yu, c. y.; hu, x. g. *, synthesis of tetrazines from gem-difluoroalkenes under aerobic conditions at room temperature. green chem. 2017, 19, 1299-1302.
10.        zhao, h.; hu, x.-g. *; xu, m.-j.; cai, q.-x.; liu, y.-j.; su, d.-m.; chen, s.-j.; wang, k.; gong, z.-n., six-step synthesis of leonurine and toxicity study on zebrafish. chin. chem. lett. 2017, 28, 1172-1175.
11.        yan, n.; fang, z.; liu, q.-q.; guo, x.-h.; hu, x.-g. *, conformation-induced regioselective and divergent opening of epoxides by fluoride: facile access to hydroxylated fluoro-piperidines. org. biomol. chem. 2016, 14, 3469-3475.
12.        hu, x. g. ; lawer, a.; peterson, m. b.; iranmanesh, h.; ball, g. e.; hunter, l., diastereoselective synthesis and conformational analysis of (2r)- and (2s)-fluorostatines: an approach based on organocatalytic fluorination of a chiral aldehyde. org. lett. 2016, 18, 662-665.
13.        hu, x. g.; thomas, d. s.; griffith, r.; hunter, l., stereoselective fluorination alters the geometry of a cyclic peptide: exploration of backbone-fluorinated analogues of unguisin a. angew. chem. int. ed. 2014, 53, 6176-6179.

[ Last edited by Walter-swz on 2019-3-20 at 08:47 ]


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