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新虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 中山大学青年千人教授招聘:实验或计算流体力学,物理,大气物理领域博士生/研究生...

type of positions: doctoral student (for applicants with master degree), direct-doctoral program (for "推免" bachelor degree holder), or master student.

research area: experimental and/or computational fluid mechanics related to turbulent flows, droplet/particle interaction with turbulence, microphysics of turbulent atmospheric cloud.

brief introduction: fluid turbulence is often quoted as the last unsolved problem in classical
physics, a statement usually associated with r.p. feynman (nobel prize in physics). turbulent
flows and interaction between turbulence and particle/droplets is at the heart of many
processes in nature such as in the atmosphere (clouds, pollutants motion, weather-climate
feedback etc.) and many engineering processes such as inside combustion engines, chemical
and food processing, aircraft flights etc. however fundamental understanding of these subject
is challenging and represents the forefront of scientific inquiry, owing to the non-linear and
complex nature of these problems. our lab aims at better understanding turbulence and
particle-turbulence interaction (with emphasis in either atmospheric or engineering processes)
using cutting-edge experimental and/or computational methods and theoretical considerations.
sample projects: observing droplet/particle motion and collisions in turbulence chamber via
cutting-edge experiments or numerical simulation; numerical simulation and fundamental
analysis of turbulent flows; designing new experimental tools or techniques to observe
particle/droplet dynamics in atmospheric clouds; designing and/or conducting wind-tunnel
experiments to observe pollution dispersion turbulent environments etc. exact project to be
designed based on interest/ability of candidates.

about the research advisor: ewe-wei saw, thousand-young talent professor at the school of atmospheric science, sun yat-sen university (zhuhai), obtained his phd. in physics from michigan tech. university (usa). he previously work at reputable research institutes worldwide including cornell university in the usa, max planck institute in germany and commission of atomic energy (cea), observatoire de la cote d’azur in france. he maintains close collaborative relationship with these institutes (candidates will have opportunities to collaborate or further their career at these or other institutes). dr. saw research interest pertains to fluid dynamics of turbulent flows, droplet/particle dynamics in turbulent flows and cloud microphysics. during the years in europe, dr. saw has extensive experience guiding and working with graduate students and postdocs and was accepted as a leader of an project under the european high-performance infrastructure for turbulence (euhit) programs. he has published research articles in well respected scientific journals such as nature-communications, physical review letters, bams etc. dr. saw is a fluent speaker of english and mandarin (among other) languages and have a flexible working style influenced by both european/american and asian characteristics.      

- candidate’s background: physics, mechanics/mechanical engineering, atmospheric science,  
computational science/engineering, or related field. candidate with strong background in
experimental or technical/engineering skill and/or programming (python, fortran etc.) are encouraged to
apply. candidates without closely relevant background but could demonstrate strong interest
or strong academic background/potential will also be duly considered. for computationally inclined applicants,
prior experience with numerical simulations (dns, les, lattice boltzmann) of turbulence and/or
parallel computation would be helpful.

- successful candidates should be a proactive, responsible person with keen interest in
scientific research and/or academic success. candidates should have decent communication
and writing skills in english.

- standard national remuneration for graduate students (full tuition, salary) + substantial addition allowance.

contacts: for enquiries and to apply, please email (in english or
mandarin) to ewsaw##oca[dot]eu (change ## to @, [dot] to "." ). for application of research
fellow and postdoc, please submit a short cover letter (describe background, interest etc.) and
a cv.

deadline: continuously hiring.

new updates:
-学院是考核机制,不用参加全国统考. 下批春节前或后考核。


please send enquiries, applications by email.

hiring for 2021.

[ last edited by sysu_atmos on 2020-8-17 at 18:39 ]

The Master degree application is now open (for 2022), If you are seeking to pursue a master degree, please send in application by email.

[ Last edited by sysu_atmos on 2022-1-26 at 21:31 ]
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新虫 (小有名气)

  positions opened again, also hiring postdocs and higher positions
3楼2019-08-12 18:04:29
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2楼2019-03-12 16:45:41
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新虫 (正式写手)

2楼: Originally posted by jintianderen at 2019-03-12 16:45:41

4楼2019-10-06 19:09:51
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新虫 (正式写手)

2楼: Originally posted by jintianderen at 2019-03-12 16:45:41

5楼2019-10-06 19:12:07
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新虫 (正式写手)

6楼2019-10-06 19:17:51
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新虫 (小有名气)

7楼2019-11-25 12:18:16
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by jintianderen at 2019-03-12 16:45:41

yes...  pls send email with CV.
8楼2019-11-25 12:19:28
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼: Originally posted by jintianderen at 2019-03-12 16:45:41

9楼2020-08-17 18:18:56
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新虫 (小有名气)

10楼2020-10-06 17:53:02
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