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[交流] 福建农林大学蜂学院黄伟峰老师招调剂生

一、基本情况    黄伟峰,博士、闽江学者特聘教授、硕士生导师二、受教育经历    1997年-2001年,台湾大学 农学院 植物病虫害学系 昆虫组,大学本科/学士。    2001年–2006年,台湾大学 农学院 昆虫学研究所, 博士三、研究工作经历        2016年-至今 福建农林大学特聘教授    2008年 -2015年 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 自然史研究中心 (美国,伊利诺伊州),博士后研究员    2007年 -2008 年 台湾大学农学院 昆虫学研究所 博士后四、承担课程    硕士研究生课程,《科学论文写作》,《分子生物学》五、研究方向和领域    蜜蜂病理学,微孢子虫,病毒学,微生物互作,致病分子机制,环境因子互作六、科研成果1.Hoppera, J.V., Huang, W.F., Solter, L.F., Mills, N.J.* 2016. Pathogenicity, morphology, and characterization of a Nosema fumiferanae isolate (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) from the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in California. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, in press2.Liu, Y., Yan, L., Li, Z., Huang, W.F., Pokhrel, S., Liu, X., Su, S. 2016. Larva-mediated chalkbrood resistance-associated single nucleotide polymorphism markers in the honey bee Apis mellifera. Insect Mol. Biol., in press3.Huang, W.F., Skyrm, K., Ruiter, R., Solter, L.F.* 2016. Disease management in commercial bumblebee mass rearing using production methods, multiplex PCR detection techniques and regulatory assessment. Journal of Apicultural Research, in press4.Huang, W.F.*, Solter, L., Aronstein, K., Huang, Z.Y. 2015. Infectivity and virulence of Nosema ceranae and Nosema apis in commercially available North American honey bees. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 124: 107-113.5.Milbrath, M.O., van Tran, T., Huang, W.F., Solter, L.F., Tarpy, D.R., Lawrence, F., Huang, ZY. 2015. Comparative virulence and competition between Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in honey bees (Apis mellifera). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 125: 9-15.6.Pilarska, D.K., Radek, R., Huang, W.F., Takov, D., Linde, A., Solter, L.F. 2015. Review of the genus Endoreticulatus (Microsporidia, Encephalitozoonidae) with description of a new species isolated from the grasshopper Poecilimon thoracicus (Tettigoniidae) and transfer of Microsporidium itiiti Malone to the genus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 124: 23-30.7.Contarini, M., Luciano, P., Pilarska, D., Pilarski, P., Solter, L., Huang, W.F., Georgi, G.* 2013. Survey of pathogens and parasitoids in Lymantria dispar L. larval population in Sardinia, Italy. Bulletin of Insectology 66 (1): 51-58. 8.Huang, W.F., Solter, L.F.* 2013. Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae: A comparative study in the honey bee host. American Bee Journal 153 (3) 277-278.9.Huang, W.F., Solter, L.F.* 2013. Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae: A comparative study in the honey bee host. American Bee Journal 153 (3) 277-278.10.Huang, W.F.*, Solter, L.F., Yau, P.M., Imai, B.S. 2013. Nosema ceranae escapes fumagillin control in honey bee. PLoS Pathogens 9 (3): e1003185. 11.Chen, Y.W., Chung, W.P., Wang, C.H., Solter, L.F., Huang W.F.* 2012. Nosema ceranae infection intensity highly correlates with temperature. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 111(3): 264-267.12.Cordes, N., Huang, W.F.,Strange, J.P., Cameron, S.A., Griswold, T.L., Lozier, J.D., Solter, L.F.* 2012. Interspecific geographic distribution and variation of the pathogens Nosema bombi and Crithidia species in United States bumble bee populations. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 109(2): 209-216.

2016-2017,福建省科技厅,利用闽台两岸中华蜜蜂抗中囊病差异筛选抗性标记及抗病育种应用(2016-9) 2018-2020  国家自然基金资助项目,GST在蜜蜂中肠细胞感染微孢子虫后的调控功能研究
联系电话:+86-15985700981  13305015627

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新虫 (初入文坛)


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