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[求助] 麻烦大神帮我看看啥意思?是还没有送审吗?已有4人参与


This manuscript has now been evaluated editorially. Preliminary review found that this manuscript is interesting with certain clinical relevance. However, it was judged as preliminary and not sufficient for a publication in this journal. We would like to recommend you to resubmit this manuscript to IJCEM (www.ijcem.com) for consideration of publication.

Before submitting your manuscript to IJCEM, please check it for any potential common errors listed below and make corrections accordingly so that your manuscript can be reviewed and processed more efficiently:

1. Please go to www.e-century.org to download EndNote Output Style and Sample Manuscript as the reference to reformat your manuscript;

2. Please download EndNote Output Style from www.e-century.org to reformat the references in this paper. Please notice that citations in the main text should be in plain text such as [1], [2-5], etc, not in superscript. Also, 'et al' is not acceptable for author names. The publication date must be removed from the references; No doi or PMID or PMCID should be included in the references. The journal names in all references must be abbreviated as they are in PubMed;

3. There are some spelling/grammar/formatting errors in the current version of the manuscript. Please correct them carefully and seek help from qualified colleagues or professional editing company if necessary;

4. Please provide a short Running Title, and a Statement of conflict of interest;

5. The text in all figures must be in Arial Font and clearly readable whenever possible. Please make corrections in all figures accordingly.

6. Please provide the description of the actual statistical analysis method used in the current study for each analysis. Mention only the statistical analysis software is not sufficient;

7. Please resubmit the revised manuscript to IJCEM (www.ijcem.com) as 'New Submission' from online submission system within two weeks of this message so that your paper can be further processed for publication in IJCEM:


It is very important that all required revisions have been properly addressed before resubmitting the new version to us. Otherwise, it may be returned to you again for further revision which will significantly delay the publication of your paper.

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to us. We look forward to receiving this manuscript at IJCEM (www.ijcem.com) soon.

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至尊木虫 (文坛精英)


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