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[调剂信息] 安徽理工大学化学工程学院疏瑞文副教授课题组2019年招收调剂硕士生2-3名


学校: 安徽理工
专业: 工学->材料科学与工程->材料学
年级: 2019
招生人数: 2
招生状态: 正在招生中
联系方式: ********* (为保护个人隐私,联系方式仅限APP查看)


欢迎报考安徽理工大学 应用化学(专业代码081704)疏瑞文 副教授研究组!




疏瑞文,男,中共党员,安徽枞阳人,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,发展规划处学科建设科科长(兼职)。2014年6月博士毕业于华南理工大学高分子化学与物理专业,同年7月进入安徽理工大学化学工程学院工作。2017年11月入选安徽理工大学首届“青年托举人才工程”,同年12月受聘为安徽理工大学副教授。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项和安徽理工大学引进人才基金项目1项,以第一作者/通讯作者在国内外重要学术期刊Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Materials Letters, Colloids and Surfaces A, Soft Materials, NANO, Chemical Journal of Chinese University-Chinese等发表SCI收录论文21篇(中科院JCR一区2篇,JCR二区7篇),入选ESI高被引和热点论文1篇,入选封面论文1篇。申请国家发明专利8项,其中6项进入实审。担任Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Inorganic Chemistry, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Colloids and Surfaces A, Thin Solid Films, Applied Physics A, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan等国外重要学术期刊的审稿人,获得Chemical Engineering Journal, Colloids and Surfaces A, Thin Solid Films等期刊的优秀审稿人奖。参加2018年第七届材料科学与工程国际会议(The 7th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering),作分会邀请报告;2016年和2018年分别参加中国化学会第30届和31届学术年会,作墙报报告;参加安徽省化学会2018年会,作青年论坛学术报告。


1. 碳基(生物质炭、石墨烯、碳纳米管、碳气凝胶、金属有机框架衍生纳米多孔碳等)复合材料的构建、结构设计及电磁波吸收性能调控;
2. 聚合物基纳米复合凝胶(水凝胶和气凝胶)高性能吸附材料;
3. 纳米流体和复杂流体(乳液、悬浮液、胶体、聚合物溶液/熔体、凝胶等)流变性能研究。
4. 相关研究工作学校新闻网报道:http://news.aust.edu.cn/info/1002/24889.htmhttp://news.aust.edu.cn/info/1002/22792.htmhttp://news.aust.edu.cn/info/1002/20465.htm

1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:还原氧化石墨烯基三维多孔纳米复合材料的构筑及微波—红外兼容隐身性能研究(51507003);
2. 安徽理工大学博士引进人才基金:聚合物—氧化石墨烯分散液的液—固转变动力学研究。
1. Ruiwen Shu*, Weijie Li, Yue Wu, et al. Nitrogen-doped Co-C/MWCNTs nanocomposites derived from bimetallic metal–organic frameworks for electromagnetic wave absorption in the X-band[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 362:513-524.(中科院JCR一区TOP)
2. Yue Wu, Ruiwen Shu*, Jiabin Zhang, et al. Oxygen vacancy defects enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption properties of 3D net-like multi-walled carbon nanotubes/cerium oxide nanocomposites[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 785:616-626.(中科院JCR二区TOP)
3. Yue Wu, Ruiwen Shu*, Zhenyin Li, et al. Design and electromagnetic wave absorption properties of reduced graphene oxide/multi-walled carbon nanotubes/nickel ferrite ternary nanocomposites[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 784:887-896.(中科院JCR二区TOP)
4. Jiabin Zhang, Ruiwen Shu*, Changlian Guo, et al. Fabrication of nickel ferrite microspheres decorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes hybrid composites with enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption properties[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 784:422-430.(中科院JCR二区TOP)
5. Jiabin Zhang, Ruiwen Shu*, Yanpei Ma, et al. Iron ions doping enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption properties of tin dioxide/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777:1115-1123.(中科院JCR二区TOP)
6. Gengyuan Zhang, Ruiwen Shu*, Yan Xie, et al. Cubic MnFe2O4 particles decorated reduced graphene oxide with excellent microwave absorption properties[J]. Materials Letters, 2018, 231:209-212.
7. Ruiwen Shu*, Gengyuan Zhang, Xin Wang, et al. Fabrication of 3D net-like MWCNTs/ZnFe2O4 hybrid composites as high-performance electromagnetic wave absorbers[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 337:242-255.(中科院JCR一区TOP)
8. Ruiwen Shu*, Weijie Li, Xian Zhou, et al. Facile preparation and microwave absorption properties of RGO/MWCNTs/ZnFe2O4 hybrid nanocomposites[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 743:163-174.(中科院JCR二区TOP)
9. Ruiwen Shu*, Gengyuan Zhang, Jiabin Zhang, et al. Fabrication of reduced graphene oxide/multi-walled carbon nanotubes/zinc ferrite hybrid composites as high-performance microwave absorbers[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 736:1-11.(中科院JCR二区TOP,ESI高被引和热点论文)
10. Ruiwen Shu*, Gengyuan Zhang, Jiabin Zhang, et al. Synthesis and high-performance microwave absorption of reduced graphene oxide/zinc ferrite hybrid nanocomposite[J]. Materials Letters, 2018, 215:229-232.
11. Ruiwen Shu*, Meng Wang, Yingying Yang, et al. Solvothermal Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Ferroferric Oxide Hybrid Composites with Enhanced Microwave Absorption Properties[J]. NANO, 2017, 12(12):1750144.
12. Ruiwen Shu*, Ying Gan, Dexin Tan. Electrolytic effects on the rheology of graphene oxide dispersions[J]. Soft Materials, 2017, 15(2):184-190.
13. Ruiwen Shu*, Ying Gan, Haoyuan Lv, et al. Preparation and rheological behavior of ethylene glycol-based TiO2 nanofluids[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 509:86-90.
14. Ruiwen Shu*, Xin Wang, Yingying Yang, et al. Coprecipitation synthesis of Fe-doped ZnO powders with enhanced microwave absorption properties[J]. NANO, 2016, 11(12):1650136. (Cover paper)
15. Ruiwen Shu*, Qing Yin, Honglong Xing*, et al. Colloidal and rheological behavior of aqueous graphene oxide dispersions in the presence of poly(ethylene glycol)[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016, 488:154-161.
16. Ruiwen Shu, Honglong Xing*, Xiaoli Cao, et al. Preparation, Microwave Absorption and Infrared Emissivity of Ni-doped ZnO/Al Powders by Coprecipitation Method in the GHz range[J]. NANO, 2016, 11(4):1650047.
17. Qing Yin, Ruiwen Shu*, Honglong Xing, et al. Rheological behavior and electrical properties of graphene oxide/polyaniline nanocomposites[J]. NANO, 2016, 11(2):1650020.
18. Ruiwen Shu, Weixiang Sun*, Xinxing Liu, et al. Temperature dependence of aging kinetics of hectorite clay suspensions[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 444:132-140. (中科院JCR二区)
19. Ruiwen Shu, Weixiang Sun, Xinxing Liu, et al. Effect of Poly (ethylene glycol) Concentration on the Re-entrant Gelation and Yielding Behavior of Aqueous Hectorite Clay Dispersion[J]. Chemical Journal of Chinese University-Chinese, 2014, 35:2252-2257.
20. Ruiwen Shu, Weixiang Sun*, Yang Liu, et al. The jamming and unjamming transition in poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel suspensions[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2013, 436:912-921.
21. Ruiwen Shu, Weixiang Sun*, Tao Wang, et al. Linear and nonlinear viscoelasticity of water-in-oil emulsions: Effect of droplet elasticity[J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2013, 434:220-228.


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新虫 (小有名气)

专业: 理学->化学->无机化学
英语: 55
255楼2019-03-03 11:15:34
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新虫 (正式写手)

专业: 理学->化学->无机化学
英语: 38
2楼2019-02-15 21:12:22
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新虫 (正式写手)

专业: 理学->化学->无机化学
英语: 38
3楼2019-02-15 21:12:25
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新虫 (小有名气)

专业: 理学->化学->有机化学
英语: 47
4楼2019-02-15 21:14:28
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